Chapter 1

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Harry was not having a good start to his summer break. Harry already knew that he wasn't going to have the nicest welcome when he showed back up at the Dursley's. What surprised him though was the fact that his Uncle Vernon was still highly upset about the fact that the Weasley's broke him out at the end of last summer. He was really hoping that his Uncle would have calmed down while he was at school. Apparently he was wrong, and because of what happened Harry received a horrible punishment. Not only did Vernon take a belt to Harry's back but he also took a knife to it. On top of all the scars he already has and the new lacerations, he now has the word freak carved into his back. After Vernon was satisfied with the work that he had done he threw Harry into the cupboard under the stairs.

Then next day Harry was woken up at four in the morning. Apparently Vernon had been picked to represent Grunnings in a conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The Dursley's decided to take this opportunity to have a family vacation.Unfortunately in their opinion they had the take the freak with them because Mrs. Figg was unable to watch him for the three weeks that they would be gone. Because of this Harry was getting dragged along for the trip. Thankfully for Harry he was able to pack all of his school supplies without the Dursley's noticing. This is because Harry is smarter than people think. The only reason he doesn't seem that smart to others is because he doesn't want to lose Hermione because of doing better than her in class. Because of this factor he has hidden the fact that he has already bought all of the books for all seven years at Hogwarts, along with any other books that have caught his attention. This allowed Harry to remove the trace from his wand so that he could do underage magic. Another thing that Harry was able to accomplish because of this is being able to do undetectable extension charms on his trunk and school bag. This is what has allowed Harry to get all of the books he has without people noticing along with a nice wardrobe that he uses during the school year.

Once Harry double checked to make sure that he had all of his stuff it was time to leave to the airport. The flight to Georgia in Harry's opinion was very boring along with the fact that he was in pain the entire time from the beating the day before. On the plus side the flight attendant was pretty nice and gave him some soda and snacks. Harry was happy for this because it was probably going to be the only thing he would get to eat the first week of the trip.

---Time Skip---

They had finally gotten into their hotel room. Harry thought that it was one of those really fancy places considering the room they were staying in had two separate bedrooms, and two bathrooms, along with a living room, and kitchenette. Even though Harry thought it was nice if you looked at the Dursley's you could tell by their facial expressions that they thought differently. Because of the rooms setup Vernon and Petunia would be sharing a bedroom and bathroom while Dudley would get the other bedroom, but he would have to share the other bathroom with Harry. Unfortunately for Harry it was decided that he would be staying in one of the closets in the hotel room.

---Time Skip---

They had only been staying in Atlanta for about a week when everything went to shit. The day in which everything went to shit Harry had been left alone in the hotel room while his "relatives" decided to go to the zoo. Since Harry was alone he decided to look out the window considering it was the only way that he was going to be able to experience the place they were staying. Because of this Harry was able to watch as people started to eat each other and then those people come back to life and continue eating more of the living. When Harry realized what was going on he decided to pack up all of his stuff and to made sure that he grabbed any food or water that was in the hotel room.

---Time Skip---

Harry's P.O.V

I can't believe that it has only been around a month since this whole thing has started. Over the past month I have spent most of my time gathering supplies which has been pretty easy considering my magic. Because of said magic I have been able to condense the contents of severals stores into one bag. It also helps that I discovered that for some reason the walkers avoid me. I'm really curious as to why considering I haven't seen them avoid anyone else just me. Speaking of other people, I've been trying to find others so I'm not as lonely. The only problem is when I do come across people they are usually in the process of being eaten, or there is the fact that I am too scared to actually go up to others. I didn't like people before this happened and I'm really unsure of whether anyone can be trusted or not now. Currently I'm on my to find a sporting goods store. I want to see if there is any chance I can still find more knifes. As of right now I am carrying a couple daggers along with a bow. I've pretty much avoided guns considering that I don't know how to use them. As I'm on my way I ended up stopping because I could hear shouting coming from a near by building. Thankfully I have stuck to the rooftops. Because of this I am able to see that several blocks a way there is a man cuffed to one of the roofs. Who in their right mind would cuff someone to a roof in this heat during an apocalypse. Seeing this I decide to make my way over to the cuffed man.

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