Chapter 7

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            Dante sat around the small cell he was in. It had only enough room for one person. He wasn't all chained up like Eren was, but he still had guards around his cell, and they were pissing him off. They said many things about the Garrison Regiment and the plan to retake Trost, and some of the things they said like, "Those guys are expendable, rookies will replace them", or if they were about Nero they said, "Let the demon die" Oh, how Dante wanted to grab Ebony and Ivory and shoot them in the face, but sadly, his weapons were taken from him. Vergil in the cell next to him would just close his eyes and clench a fist hearing them talk that way. 'Foolish humans', he thought, 'Let's see what you guys do when a Titan comes to Wall Sina and attacks' As much as he wanted to be amused by it, Vergil knew these humans won't stand a chance against them. "Hey", a guard said into Dante's cell, "you hear that, some people are calling you four saviors. You know, those people, are nothing but complete strangers, so why didn't you just let those people die? Are planning on saving us for a better plan? A mass killing of humans?" Vergil merely scoffed at it and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, foolish human" He was ignored as the soldier continued, "You know, those soldiers are expendable, and rookies can easily replace them. As for your demon friend, he's probably dead and he had such a brilliant-ACK!" Dante finally snapped as he grabbed the soldier by the collar of his shirt and pulling him towards the bars with a loud bang as he growled, "Say that again. I bet you haven't even seen a Titan up close and personal. As for the kid, don't EVER say that again, you pudgy fuck" He shoved the soldier back into the wall as he lied down on the bed while the guard scrambled for his gun and aimed it at Dante. Vergil was amused by his brother's actions as he watched the human shake as he aimed the rifle at Dante with the other guard saying, "Knock it off, will you? I told not to provoke them" "But he-", the soldier began but was cut off by the other guard, "You started it and that's what you get" Eren listened to what had happened and hoped and prayed that Nero was alright.


            "A trial?", Vergil asked. "Yes", Erwin answered, "A trial on whether your arrivals and Eren's ability are a solution or a handicap to humanity's survival. Though, I don't know how they do trials on your world but we do have someone that has jurisdiction to all three of the parts of our military" Dante sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair, knowing Nero was still around and ell as he said, "So the kid's still kicking, huh" "Yes", Levi replied, "We've had one of our own keep an eye on him and she was bringing him food when he woke up" Vergil leaned his head back and said, "What is it do they plan to do to us?" "We have a proposition in place that will help", Erwin explained, "We want your skills to help retake Wall Maria, along with Eren's Titan ability" Dante was silent for a few seconds then asked, "What happens if we don't end up with you guys?" "The Military Police kill you", Levi said bluntly. Dante just wanted to laugh right then and there, Lady tried to kill him with a gunshot twice, Trish impaled him with Force Edge before it became the sword Sparda, Alastor was shot out at him on Mallet Island, Sid impaled him with Rebellion, and Nero impaled him to the statue of his old man in Fortuna. How on earth do they plan to kill three half-devils? Erwin stood up and said, "Just sit tight for now, we'll find a way to get you four in our hands"

***End Flashback***

            Dante just sat on the edge of the bed and sighed heavily. A few minutes had passed, when Eren asked, "Excuse me, but I need to use the bathroom" "You just went", a soldier said coldly. "Then can I get some water?", he asked only to have another guard say, "Be quiet, monster" Vergil took in a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth as he thought, 'They sure treat Eren differently from the way they treat Dante and I. They are afraid of his power, and from what I can tell, he is too. He obviously doesn't remember anything when in his Titan form' The sound of a door opening and closing got everyone's attention. A short silence filled the air when a woman slammed her head on the bars to Eren's cell, causing the young man to jump back in fright. She was tall with brown hair tied up into a ponytail wearing the same uniform as Erwin and Levi as she smiled and said, "Hello there! You must be Eren. How are you? Are you feeling well?" She continued to ask him questions as Dante and Vergil sweatpanned at the woman's sudden appearance. "Well", the woman said, "you're finally out of there, and one more thing, you're going to have to wear these" She pulled out a pair of cuffs as they unlocked Eren from his chains and placed the cuffs on him. With a couple of guards behind him, Eren was guided out but not before the woman stopped and said to Dante and Vergil, "Oh, don't worry, boys. We'll come back for you"

Make the Titans scream and the Devil cry: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now