What's up with Doc?

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What's up with Doc?

Or, the one where Meredith and Addison can't stop texting each other.

Monday evening

Meredith: What's up with doc?

Addison: Doc is doing okay, he's adjusting to his new home.

Meredith: Does he like it? I know he can be a bit fussy at times.

Addison: I think he likes it. He likes the outdoors at least.

Meredith: He better be well-behaved. I know he's not fully housebroken... Sorry about that.

Addison: It's alright, I've been taking him out every hour or so, and he only comes in once he's... Ready. Seems to be working.

Meredith: Oh good, maybe you'll have better luck than I'd been having. He kinda destroyed our house.

Addison: Let's hope so. In the meantime, I'll try to keep my expensive shoes out of Doc's reach...

Meredith: Good idea! Thanks again for taking him.

Addison: No problem, feel free to come by to visit sometime. THE DOG... I mean... Yeah...

Meredith: Will do, I already miss Doc ;).

Addison: Goodnight, Dr. Grey.

Meredith: Goodnight, Addison.

Addison: It's still Dr. Montgomery to you.

Meredith: Goodnight, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd.

Addison: There's no need to-. Oh forget it. Goodnight.

Meredith: Night.


Meredith: What's up with Doc?

Addison: Are you on some sort of retro movie kick?

Meredith: What?

Addison: Seriously!? I am NOT THAT OLD.

Meredith: I never said you were... And what's wrong with that? It's a good movie. Plus, Barbra Streisand, am I right?

Addison: Whew, I thought I was getting old if you didn't understand that reference.

Meredith: I got it. I get you ;).

Addison: Alright, Grey.

Meredith: So how's our dog?

Addison: Doc's doing well, he's adapting. I think he likes the land around here. Figures that Derek's obsession is worth something to him.

Meredith: Is he housebroken yet?

Addison: Well, more like 'trailer-broken,' but what can you do?

Meredith: Trouble in paradise?

Addison: It was small with two people, now with two, plus Doc it's... A lot. Not that I'm complaining. Doc's a sweetheart (mostly! But you know that!). He's currently on my lap, enjoying himself while I read my book.

Meredith: And message me :).

Addison: And message you.

Meredith: What, no smiley face?

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