Vegas & I

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♥ Vegas and I ♥

I grabbed the branch and pulled myself up onto it, knowing it would hold my weight because of the countless times I've done this before, and then launched myself through the window- landing gently on the inside of his room.

He was really stupid, leaving his window open like that.

I shook my head and leant against the wall.

"Hey, get your ass out of that bed!" He groaned before raising his head.

"Go away- wait, what the hell are you doing in my room?!"

"Get your furry socks on and start packing, sunshine, we're going on a road trip."


"I guess your brain is too small to work in the morning... here's the deal plain and simple; you and I are going for the time or lives in the one and only, Las Vegas." His eyes snapped alert then.

"Vegas? That's a big city... and don't you need money to randomly run off in the middle of the night?" I laughed evilly, the kind of laugh you see crazy people make.

"Of course you do- you don't credit me much do you? I looked into my trust fund last week. And there's actually a good thing about having rich parents that argue a lot; they want to buy you off to like them more than the other. So asides the trust fund, I have a load of cash in this bag." I said as I patted the massive Gucci bag my Mother had purchased for me to keep quiet about her 'boy toys'. Dad ended up finding out anyway, but I kept the bag.

"So we're getting up and going, just like that?"

"Just like that. Now get up and start packing- and see how much money you can find. The more the better," Led nodded before throwing the duvet back and getting up. "Oh god, my eyes!" I whisper-screamed, turning around so I was looking out the window. He was only wearing boxers. Tight fitting boxers...

"Come on, Dani, you know you love it. You just don't want me to see that you're drooling over my hot body,"

"Please! Led, I wouldn't touch your body with a two foot long pole." Not a lie, really... He laughed.

"It's okay Dan, you can turn around now." I did so and thankfully he had thrown on some black jeans and a grey and purple McKenzie shirt on. I've always loved that shirt... I had actually stolen it once, but he blackmailed me into giving it back. I did a look-over on him as he threw things carelessly into a bag. His eyes were full of warmth, making the green startling and easy to get lost in. They were framed by long lashes that a girl would die for, and a body that guys would die for. Toned, tanned and tall. He was about 5'11, I think, and that was considerably tall when he stood next to me; the 5'6. He's part Spanish and he lived in Spain for three years, until his Mother died and they moved to this small, unknown city, Talmaka. And he moved in not next door or the door after that, but at number twenty two; three houses down from mine. And as the great neighbours we are, we went down to their house with a plate of brownies (Blame Mum for that) and grins on our faces. Since then, Led and I have been pushed together and forced to become friends.

Not like we minded, really.

You've probably noticed that I speak English and that I live in America. Well I was actually born in England and raised there until I was ten, and then my parents thought that England wasn't big enough for me to grow up in. Which I honestly don't get; England seems like a pretty big place.

Though I guess it has nothing on America.

So we moved anyway, and we arrived here three years before Led and the Kay's did. "Dani?"


"I've been saying your name for the last three minutes, are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine..."

"Ahuh. So you were staring at me for no reason?" Oh god, I was staring at him?

"I was just thinking about how ugly you are." Well, that was a crap save. Luckily he won't catch me out...

"The lady doth protests too much, methinks." He smirked. I scowled at him.

"Are you ready now?"


"Let's get going then!"

Vegas, here we come...

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