Wrong Turn (Gracy+Shubomb+Salt Squad)

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The title says it all. Loosely based on the movie franchise 'Wrong Turn'


July 1st, 2019


"Nerd! I'm here! Let's go!" I yelled, banging on the door to Shelby's apartment. "... Shelby!" "I'm going to the bathroom! Hold on!" She yelled, angrily. I laughed. "Oh. Sorry."

Finally, after a few minutes, she opened the door. And she had a look like 'seriously? Did you have to?' "Sorry. I didn't know I was disturbing you from whatever you were doing." "Peeing." ".. Nice. You ready to go?" "I don't think I'll ever be ready but yeah. I'm almost packed." "'Almost?' We have to be at the airport in thirty minutes! Flight leaves in an hour!" "I'm sorry! I know! I've never been legit camping and I'm struggling to pack, ok?!" "Stacy has all the main stuff! You shouldn't be bringing anything other than clothes, snacks, and maybe a blanket and some pillows. I mean.. yeah. .. A toothbrush. .. Hairbrush. .. You don't need to bring your whole apartment." "Should I at least bring some games like Uno or..?" "I think Will is bring Uno. But again, bring what you want. Just keep in mind that it's going in your backpack that you will be carrying." "... Ok. Fine. Just.. hang on."

While she finished packing, I stood around in her apartment. And I started writing on her tiny chalkboard she had on her kitchen counter. I was intending to write 'I know what you did last night, Shelby,' but I got busted. "What are you writing?" She asked. I laughed. "God dang it." I said, throwing the chalk down. She laughed.

But I watched the clock, and watched the minutes go by. Our flight left at ten, and it was nine thirty. "Shelby, hurry up! We're not gonna make our freaking flight!" "I'm hurrying!"

But finally, she finished, and we jumped in my car and drove to the airport. And by the time we got in the security check line thing, we had fifteen minutes to get to our flight. "Shelby, I swear to god, if you made us miss this flight.." I muttered. "I'm sorry! We can make it!" "Yeah. Uh huh. I'd like to see you try." "We're both gonna try!"

And so, as soon as we got through the line and got our shoes back on, I grabbed Shelby's hand and yanked her with me into the constant crowd of people in the LAX airport. And we were running full speed to our flight. And just when there was a break in the crowd and we had a little bit of space, I felt kinda bad when Shelby yelled my name before I felt her yank me downward. And I let go and turned around, and she was laying on the floor while bystanders chuckled under their breath. "Oh, you tripped? I'm sorry.." I said as I couldn't help chuckling, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah.. C'mon! We have three minutes!"

And then she yanked me as she took off. And we finally had our flight in sight as the attendant looked down at her watch, and started closing the doors. "Nooo!"

Thank god, she was nice enough to scan our passes, and we made it. And we finally made it to our seats and sat down, panting. "Dear god. I've never ran so fast for so long." I said. "Me either." "Ready for an eight hour flight?" "... No. I don't wanna be next to you for eight hours." "I don't wanna be next to you for eight hours!" "Then why'd we do this?!" She asked, laughing. Then I laughed. "I don't know. Cause it's more convenient in the long run." ".. I think I just wasted all my energy. I'm not gonna be able to hike now. You'll have to carry me." "I'm not carrying you." "No, you will." "In your dreams, girl." ".. Um.. H?" She asked, her smile disappearing. "Yeah?" ".. I think I chipped my tooth when I fell. Or maybe straight up lost one. Cause I taste blood and I don't know why and I'm afraid to feel around with my tongue." She said. "Uh oh. Did you hit your face?" I asked. "No but I hit my chin, and my teeth clanked together really hard." "Oh boy. Let me see?"

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