Part 2: Bedtime

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The six of us ended up sitting on the floor, while waiting for our dinner. There were three baby cribs in the room, but we all silently agreed that the floor was the less embarrassing option. Still, sitting on the ground in a circle, we could all see each other's pull-ups sticking out from our pink clothing.

We had all introduced ourselves. There was Matthew, of course, who I now found out was here because of an incident regarding stolen technology from a retirement village. Needless to say, he wasn't proud of it.

The first person to make himself known to the group was Cooper Daughtry. Apparently, he was a 'self proclaimed theatre kid', and loved 'everything that had ever touched a Broadway stage'. He was shouty and loud, but seemed also really nice. The stereotype was true, I thought to myself as he started humming a show tune.

Dominic Reeds, a STEM scholar in his final year at Hartford High, had been sent here by his somewhat clueless parents, trying to give him a 'change of scenery' before university. Clearly his parents weren't aware this was a disciplinary school, and sending their straight-A's son wasn't the best idea, yet Dominic was here all the same.

'I tried to tell them,' he said, rolling his eyes. 'I had done the research on this place, but they wouldn't listen. If only they could see me now...'. He sighed, and fidgeted with his pull-up.

I will admit, I had an instant crush on Randall Lee. The typical jock cliche, it would have been hilarious seeing him in a diaper and girl's clothing, if the rest of us weren't in the exact same outfit. Still, he didn't say much, and certainly wasn't letting on to why he was sent here.

Finally, Luke Munroe introduced himself to everyone, and he seemed normal enough. He told us he had plans to be an author, and was already working on a few short stories.

'Funny,' he said. 'I was actually looking forward to coming here, for inspiration and all that. I never expected...'

He looked down at himself, and tears began to form in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away.

'Anyways, I guess we're here now...'

'That's exactly right, Luke,' Mrs Raleigh said, as she entered the room, holding a small box. 'You're all here safe, dressed, and about to be fed. And when proper lessons start tomorrow, you won't even think about your pull-up predicament!'

She looked down at us six, sitting on the floor in a circle. 'Now, why haven't you all chosen beds yet?'

Dominic softly mumbled, 'There's only three cribs, so we thought they weren't for us.' Mrs Raleigh grinned at him. 'Good counting, Dominic! I can see you'll do quite well in maths tomorrow!' Dominic blushed.

'Well, Dominic, you are quite right, there are only three cribs - so get choosing sleepy time partners! Go on!'

The six of us looked around at each other. I wasn't thrilled about sharing a bed with a complete stranger, but Matthew quickly beckoned me over and called dibs on a crib together.

'We'll take this one, Mrs Raleigh.'

Better Matthew than Randall, I thought to myself.

'Delightful,' said Mrs Raleigh. 'You two will make a great pair. However, that does remind me - you must all address me as Mommy from now on. So, Matthew, do you want to repeat that sentence?'

Matthew blinked. 'Um... Dillon and I will use this one... Mommy.' He cringed.

Mrs Raleigh smiled. 'Brilliant! Remember, all of you must call me that, otherwise I won't respond.'

Soon, Matthew and I were both lying next to each other in a crib, which Mrs Raleigh promptly locked. Dominic and Luke were also sharing, leaving Cooper with Randall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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