You've got that one thing!

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I woke up one sunday morning got out of bed stripped off my pj's and went into the bathroom to have a shower, i turned it on and got in it was the perf temperature.I turned it off and opened the shower curtain because i heard a noise and it was my boyfriend Liam coming in to the bathroom so i quickly grabbed my towel but i acidentally slipped and bashed my forehead on the side of the counter.Liam comes running in and he quickly grabs a cloth and dabs my bloody forehead with it. He picks me up and puts me on our bed. He sits on the bed and puts me on his lap i finally wake up from being unconsious he says oh dear i thought you were dead,what happend?I studderred as i said i slipped.......and why were you in the bedroom? I was looking for you dear. Oh, i said why?I wrote you a song.........well by band wrote you a song ..........well my bands manager wrote a song! Oh ha what's it called?It's called One Thing,let me go get it honey, well i do that why dont you get dressed i picked you out an outfit its over on the dresser .I said ok as he left the room i got up and got dressed he picked me out the cutest outfit I own. Its a dark blue blazer and a  see through flower blouse a light blue tank top and a green ruffley skirt! Liam ran in and screamed(like a little girl)WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said what of, whats gone! Our tv our money our car keys and a hole bunch of other stuff!!!!I jumped off the bed and ran into the living room.Our windows are smashed and our cellphones are gone and where are our cars! Liam said i already told you they took are car keys and stuff! At least they didnt take our home phone. We can call 911! ok, so we called 911 and say we've been robbed, and our cars are gone!Shrieked Liam.The dispatcher says we need you to vacate the home in less than half an hour. and i said why? And she   said because we have a top secret facility coming to investigate your home, i said ok bye.The call ended so then we phoned Louis a band member of Liam's and we asked him if we could stay with them and he said yes of course you can and we said thank you and then hung up to go pack our things.We packed up our things and headed off to the bands penthouse on top of the old grande hotel as soon as we got there they greeted us at the front door .They asked if we had lunch yet and we said no so they brought us up to there penthouse suite and called up room service .Me and Liam  said thank you for that lunch it was very good.So later that day we went to the mall and bought some new clothes with our credit cards we had luckily saved at the penthouse in case of an emergency when we went to visit.So after we went shopping it was pretty dark so they drove us back to the old grande hotel and we took the elevator up to the pent house and they unlocked the door and we walked in and they showed us our room. The master bedroom and so we said thank you and changed into our pjs and went to bed .


p.s i will finish it later but have no more ideas! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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