After my mom died I went to go live with my best friend. Her name was panda. She has been there for me sence who knows when. See panda was like me a strait A student,Loved playing basketball, and drawing.
Other then my best friend I had a boyfriend named Louis. He was there for me every step of the way. We first meet when I was 12 years old at a park. We would hang out and do all of those fun things. Then a couple months later he moved to Texas. And we were off and on, it was hard to keep a long distance relationship. We got into fights and everything. Then he moved back and we became close again.
My used to be friends called me names after I had my life back together with my boyfriend and best friend. They called me a slut, bitch,whore, and exc. I started cutting, trying to kill myself, i tried everything. I got bullied dayley in school, out of school, online, I had people text me. I only had my best friend and my boyfriend by my side.
Ever sence my mom died I have had many troubles. Then months and months i started to get my life back. But then my life started turning upside down once again.
Life Changed
RandomLife Changed is about a girl who loses her mom and life has changed in many of ways with only her best friend and boyfriend bye her side