Chapter 3: Charlie & Carter Sittin' In A Tree

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[A/N: Dedicated to @katrocks247 because I SO admire her work. Death is My BFF was one of the first books I read on Wattpad.]

        The rest of that week was torture. I waited for the arrival of my new attorney for five days. I knew these things would take time, but being there was like being in a slow motion family home video. I was waiting desperately for something big to happen, and knowing that the likelihood was slim. But the anticipation just continued to build upon itself every hour of the day. I didn’t sleep, I barely ate, just watched the door for signs of a familiar face. One did eventually come to me, but not the face I was hoping for.

        “Charlotte, you have a visitor.” The male orderly’s booming voice sounded a little too close to my ear.

        I scowled at Thomas, even though I secretly sort of liked him. He would always bring me things I wasn’t supposed to have when I ended up on lockdown, which was more often than not. They would take away things like jewelry and personal items when you got in trouble, but this one attendant with the annoyingly loud voice managed to get my bracelet back for me every time. I needed that bracelet, and somehow he knew. I fingered the worn threads around my wrist with the fading black letters strung onto it while I waited anxiously for my lawyer. Thomas noticed and smirked at me before lowering his voice.

        “You should hide that better you know. They’ll wonder how you got it and then where would my reputation be?”

        “If you gave a shit about your reputation, you wouldn’t be wheeling crazy people around in wheelchairs and putting pills in plastic cups for a living.” I shot back irritably, but took his hand when he offered it to help me up from my chair.

        He squeezed my significantly smaller palm for one second before letting me go and walking me to the common room where I would visit with my “guest.” I watched him chuckle and shake his head sarcastically at my response as we walked. He turned to face me, and I waited for the playful arguing to start.

        “You know I’m the coolest person here, and that’s why you’ll talk shit and then end up playing chess with me later anyway.”

        He was awfully flirty for talking to a psych patient, but he never got inappropriate, so I chalked it up to him being as bored in this God-awful place as I was. When I didn’t comment on his presumptuous chess prediction, but simply rolled my eyes, he got serious.

        “Come on, Charlie. Don’t be a brat. Just have a good time with your visitor and we’ll hang out later like always.”

        I sighed dramatically, egging him on. There was nothing better to do in this place than make friends with the less crazy patients and irritate the nurses. But Thomas happened to be one of the cool ones, and he made more of an effort to connect with the patients in B Wing. I always looked forward to his evening shifts when we would play chess or board games.

        “I don’t know, Thomas, I was really looking forward to that crappy Robin Hood remake. It’s movie night, you know.”

        “Aren’t you going to be all ‘movied out’ when you get back from your date with your boyfriend?” he joked.

        “My boyfriend?” I laughed. “What boyfriend?”

        “The one you’re visiting,” he indicated up the hall to the common room. “He looks like the boring dinner and a movie type.”

        A sinking feeling clawed its way up my spine. I was now eighty-five percent sure that Mr. Stead was not my visitor now. I didn’t realize I had stopped in the middle of the hallway until Thomas walked back a few steps and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me towards the door. I resisted on instinct. I had been avoiding this moment for a long time, and it was incredibly stupid of me to not realize that he would be here before my release. Especially after the favor I had asked of him. I felt myself going limp in Thomas’ grip.

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