Day 8 #Dating

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Junkyu was shivering from both the coldness and the pain he his heart was feeling at that moment. He didn't know what to do. Being a crying mess he entered his house.

Junkyu's mom who was on his way to kitchen to get some water was startled so much so see her son in such condition. She quickly run toward Junkyu and held him.

"Junkyu what's wrong??"

"Mom, I want to be alone, please"

But son,

Mom please,

She wanted to know what happened so at least she could help but Junkyu was in no condition to talk so she just let him go.

Junkyu went to his room and locked himself up.

2 days later,

Sukiee it's been long since we have watched movied together, should we go today?

What, no exam is coming soon. I need to study.

Sukiee, come on, I already have booklover best friend, so Please Hyunsyukiee don't start acting like him, I won't be able to handle two Junkyu at same time.

Oh wait, now that you mentioned, did Junkyu came to school today??

Oh right, Junkyu hasn't come to school for past 2 days, right???


Don't tell me that, he skipped school and went to date with that jerk again.

Why don't you call him and ask?

Good idea.

Ring... Ring...Ring

Is he not picking up??

Yeah, the ring is going but he is not picking up.

Is he fine??

Wait let me call his mom.

Ring..... Ring....

Hello, Jihoon is that you??

Yes, Aunty it's me.

I was about to call you.

Is everything ok Aunty??

I am ok but

But what Aunty??

Jihoon, do you know what happened to Junkyu?? He hasn't come out of his room for two days.

What he hasn't come out of his room yet??

Umm, he hasn't eaten anything as well so I am getting worried. Did something happen between him and Haruto??

You know about them.

Yes, Junkyu told me. He was crying when he came back that night. I wanted to ask what happened but he just left and now he is not opening the door at all.

I am sorry Aunty. I not sure what happened between them. But don't worry I will go and ask Haruto ok.

You will, Thank you Jihoona.

No need to thank me Aunty.

Ok then I will hang up Jihoona.

Ok Aunty, take care. I will be home once I find out what is going on ok.

As soon as he put his phone down he cursed, that Fu*****g ashole, I am going to kill him.

Jihoon what's wrong?

Junkyu has locked himself in the room and is not coming out. aunty is worried as well.

What, he has locked but why??

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