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Song: Blue and Gray



Lyrics: Don't say its ok,b'cos its not ok. Pls don't leave me alone.
It hurts so much.

Random POV

I pulled into the driveway of the huge apartment complex, turned off my engine and glanced up in search for her balcony to see if she was in.

Years of coming here frequently has allowed me to easily find her balcony despite the fact that there are hundreds of them.

I glanced at my wrist watch


There is no doubt that she is around and I can even see that her lights are on so she's definitely in.

A few days of not seeing her had me restless.

Knowing Soo Hin very well, she must be in some sort of trouble or distress.

Whenever I leave her for a long time, she gets herself I some sort of trouble so I figured that checking on her will be easier.

Even though my schedule doesn't allow me and after such a stressful day , I should be in bed by now.

Soo Hin has changed.

She was never like this .

Since that very day before graduation that she almost jumped off the roof.

Since then she has changed.

She has changed so much.

She used to be cheerful even though her parents weren't the best parents one could have, she
still outgoing and smiled.

I remember that day very well , when I pulled her down from where she attempted to jump off the school's roof.

She cried , I had never seen her that way.

She kept chanting something like
"Jackson,I want it to be over, I can't do this anymore. They gave me up, they gave me to him , they tricked me and sold me off to him. How can I be his Slave? What does that even mean? I'm being forced into something that I don't want to do. I can't anymore. I can't and it hurts "

The words never stop playing in my mind.

But she never told me anything else aside from the fact that she has been signed into Sky entertainment as a model.

I was surprised to hear her say that .

Soo Hin , the girl I know was always into fashion but she wanted to be a fashion designer and not the one who models for products and advertises and certainly not singing.

She could sing but it was never her will to be a singer.

I knew something wasn't right and I knew she was being forced to do things by the asshole excuse of a CEO.

But what things?

She never told me.

All she did was go cry .

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now