Let's Hope It Works

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No One's P.O.V:

As the Sports Festival came to its conclusion, Angel starts taking deku into a room. She made sure it was far away so that Eri wouldn't know what was happening.

She sat deku down on the chair in the middle of the room, closing the door behind them. She then tries to recall the technique she done to her father so long ago.

(5 years ago)
Angel's P.O.V:

This might be mistake I'm going to make, but I don't want my father to suffer the way he is now. I know him and mom didn't want me to use my powers because of how it shows I could be a villain, but I still want to make ammense without being brought to jail.

I was able to reach my old house and looked out the window and see my dad... with another woman. The woman looked like she was about 8-10 years younger than him. (Note: Angel's family was more on the rich side and was able to live in a mansion but without any maids or butlers, if that makes sense). Is he like her sugar daddy or is he dating a younger woman than my mom? No wait, for all I know she could be his business partner. I then saw my dad and the woman kissed and calling each other "sweetie" and "honey". Okay maybe not business partners. I decided to stay hidden and watch what'll happen between them.

(2 hours later)

Okay...I should've averted my ears because now I can't be able to take that image out of my head. (Another note: she heard, not see). This means that my father is cheating on my mom. Wait, does it really count as cheating now that my mom is dead?
"So glad now that your wife is dead~! Now no one-not even your daughter-can get between us~!"
"I was sad when Katrina died, and I was also sad when Angel ran off and I acted like a bastard and ran off without saying goodbye. But now that I have you Emilia, forgetting about them will be easier than I thought. Never knew this would be the outcome by meeting you 3 years ago~."
I can't believe this, not only did my father cheat on my mother while she was still alive, but also doesn't care about her anymore. That mother...fine, if he wants to forget me and mom. Then ill make sure to grant his wish.
I waited until they were done with their whatever they were doing and knocked on the door. I heard Emilia coming to get the door. The look on her face as she saw me, though it wasn't as priceless as the one my dad gave me. The look of being horrified was written all over their face. She then tried to close the door, but I kicked her in the gut before she was able to close it. I was about to kick her again, until my dad used his quirk and created a force field around her and pulling her towards him.
"What do you want Angel? Came here to beg for help and forgiveness? Cause guess what, the only way to pay for your crimes and killing the love of my life is going to jail!"
"The love of your life?" I chuckled.
"If mom was the love of your life then why cheat on her with another woman?"
I begin to walk towards him, he then tried to use his quirk again. But for some reason it didn't work.
"What the hell! What did you do to me Angel?!"
I didn't have the answer but I kept towards him and his lover.
I kept walking until I finally said something.
"I did come here to say my sorry for being the cause of my mother's death. But now, I want to help you make sure to forget about me and her."
Well here goes for experiement #1, if this doesn't work then worst case scenario is me frying my father's brain and having to kill the bitch. If it works, I'll use it on her too.
I kicked her away from him and made sure she wasn't able to get back up. I then turned my attention to my father and saw him trying to use his quirk. I'm still not sure why...actually I think I might know. If what I think is true, then I need to run a test on the woman. I looked at Emilia and saw that she was standing up, although she was groaning in pain, then she slowly got back down on the floor. I smirked, knowing what just happened. I looked back at my father and slowly put hands on his head. He then started twitching and squirming around as I putting hands on his head, he then stopped moving. I moved back a few inches, to give some space between us.
He then looked at me blankly until it turned to a confuse face.
"I'm sorry Ms, but who are you?"
"What did you do," Emilia asked, but my father didn't even flinch.
"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" My father still didn't flinch.
"What i did to him is the same thing that I will do to you."
I walked over to her as she was struggling to get away. I then put my hands on her head, I saw her starting to twitch and squirm. Until... she completely stopped moving. Her eyes were blood shot red. It seems like I fried her brain.
Oh well, there's no use mourning over the dead. I know, I'm cold-hearted, but so what?
I then looked back at my dad, still confused on what's going on.

"I'll take anything I'll need and and leave. You know what to do," I coldly said to my father as I gathered anything I think I'll need.

After I left, I looked back to see the building caught on fire. I rewrote my father's mind into believing that his wife was killed by a villain, which drove him into depression. Then tonight was going to be when he kills himself. No memories of me.

That's when I learned that I can rewrite someone's emotions and memories, into the way I want them to, as long as I can think it and place them into my victim's mind. But I can only use it on one person, not multiple people at once.

(Present time)

Now, hopefully it'll work.

Let's just hope it works....


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