No! No! No! No! No!

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T/W: Mentions Blood (not too graphic though, I promise <3)

"How was the barbeque?" Mumbled Kurts sleepily through the phone.

"I don't think I gave anyone food poisoning so I'd say it went well". Blaine was laying in bed half asleep. Although it's only 10:30 pm, looking after little kids as well as cooking was a lot harder than it looks. "Lizzie and Katie wouldn't stop asking about you, I might have to worry about them taking you away from me"

Kurt giggled into the phone, Blaine could hear him rustling around before responding, He must have just got into bed too. "What can I say, I'm just so likeable and charming...Were you okay with Zach? I know you probably didn't want to see him either."

"I didn't talk to him, I think he's avoiding me or Lizzie told him to stay away"

"Well, that's good babe. Just don't do anything stupid if he does talk to you either be civil or walk away " Blaine hummed an agreement which Kurt knew was him avoiding saying yes. "Blaine...Promise me"

Blaine let out a long sigh thinking over his response, he didn't want to lie to Kurt and break his promise but on the other hand, he didn't want to disappoint him either "Umm, Ill promise to try my hardest to keep my cool...But if he starts something I won't walk away, I'm not being weak"

"It's not being weak love it's being the bigger person"

"but he's a homophobic prick who put you in hospital, He deserves a punch in the-" Before Blaine could finish there was a knock at the door "Come in!"

Sarah carefully opened the door and poked her head In "sorry to interrupt you, just wanna say thank you for helping out today, the little ones missed their play buddy...Are you talking to Kurt?" Blaine gave her a small nod and put him on speakerphone. 

"Hey Kurt, how are you holding up?"

"Good thanks Sarah, Sorry about Blaine coming home late, he didn't tell me when he needed to be back"

Sarah gave Blaine a stern look before replying "Of course he didn't, Glad you're okay hun...Right Blaine bed now, please."

Blaine rolled his eyes at Sarah earning himself another look "Okay, let me say goodnight". She gave him a smile before leaving the room. Blaine turned his speakerphone off and placed the phone next to his ear once again. "Sorry about that, just one of the cons of living in a care home I guess"

"Go to bed I can hear you're tired love. I'll see you before school for coffee at the lima bean yeah?"

"Yeah, I could pick you up if you want. I've not got a class till second period so I have time to drop you off at school"

"ooooh can't wait, see you in the morning then...Love you Curly" Blaine could hear Kurt yawning through the phone.

"Love you more, Night"

"Night" With that Kurt hung up the phone leaving Blaine alone. It feels weird sleeping back in his bed again. The hummel-Hudson house felt more like home now. They say home is where the heart is, and Blaine knows where his heart lies. Kurt.


Blaine pulled into Kurts drive just as the found door opened and a very frantic Kurt bolted out with folders and bag bundled in his arms and a slice of toast hanging out his mouth. Blaine couldn't help but let out an endearing laugh at his boyfriend's expense. "Bad morning?" Blaine questioned as Kurt threw himself into the passenger seat chucking his stuff in the back seat, taking a bite of toast with a loud sigh.

Kurt rolled his eyes and finished his mouth full. "Don't even get me started, I somehow slept through my alarm, Finn wouldn't get out of the damn shower, when I finally had a shower I didn't have time to moisturise because I couldn't get my fucking binder on, do you know how hard it is to get a binder on after a shower? Everything gets bunched up and-" Kurt was rudely interrupted by Blaine's lips firmly pressed against his. He let out a relaxed sigh and let everything melt away, his boyfriend's lips bringing him back to earth. Kurt giggled as they pulled away "Good morning"

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