11. panties

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The drive back was less comfortable in the sense that the sexual tension between them was unbearable.

Or at least Jimin felt that way. Especially when he would catch JK glancing at him with the eyes of a hunter, eyes that want to devour him whole and leave nothing behind. 

Jimin kept shifting in his seat as he tried to distract himself by watching the scenery out his window. 

It was night time now - about 8 p.m. - when they arrived at JK's place. 

His apartment is pretty neat and spacious. Jimin's eyes roam the place as JK watches him. A cozy living room next to a big kitchen that seems like it has never been used. 

"Do you approve?", JK asks as he takes off his shoes and walks towards his bedroom, signalling Jimin to follow him with a nod of his head. 

They enter JK's bedroom and Jimin feels like he's been here before. Only in his dreams though. 

It's exactly like he's seen it in the livestreams. A queen sized bed in the middle of the room with silk black sheets covering it, big windows stretched all the way to the floor looking out in the night city, and a desk in front of the bed with a camera and a computer on it. 

It feels strange to be in here, Jimin feels like this is another dream or he's only imagining this. But, no, he's really about to do this. 

JK notices how Jimin turned quiet, speechless, and smiles. "Weird, huh?"

Jimin nods and rubs the back of his neck nervously. 

JK walks up to him and cups Jimin's face with both of his hands, making him stare right in his eyes, "It's going to be okay. I'm here."

Jimin gulps and nods slowly. 

JK furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side as he longingly stares at Jimin's plump lips, "I think you owe me a kiss."

Jimin's eyes go wide, his face flushed and his hands suddenly sweaty, "I-I.. yeah, I forgot about... that", he laughs nervously and tries to get JK's hands off of his face but JK doesn't budge. 

"Do you want it now?", JK is now whispering, only loud enough for Jimin to hear. 

Jimin makes eye contact and his knees almost give up on him. He feels like squirming away but he stays there, looking in JK's eyes and losing himself in them. "U-Um, i-if you want. I-I don't mind, you can do it now or l-later or I don't know maybe-" 

Next thing Jimin knows, JK's lips are on his. 

Jimin's eyes fly open at first, not moving a single muscle as he thinks about how this is his first kiss but also how soft JK's lips feel against his. 

He tenses up when JK presses his body closer to his, almost fully pressing against him, and deepens the kiss. The hands cupping his cheeks become rougher and more demanding as JK's kiss becomes too more rough. 

Jimin finally closes his eyes and lets himself go to the feeling. He opens his lips and kisses JK back, slowly, carefully. Does he do it well? Does JK like it? 

Jimin gasps when JK's hand moves from his cheek to his waist, pulling him flush against his own body, and he earns that as a chance to suck on Jimin's lower lip, teasing. Jimin grips on JK's shirt as he desperately looks for a way to hold himself up and not crumble on the floor. 

JK's lips move against Jimin's in a slow, but hungry manner, almost completely devouring him. The way Jimin's lips tingle with a heat he's never felt before and the way his breathing is uneven, he knows that he's not ready for more than this. 

JK pulls away slowly, pulling at Jimin's bottom lip with his teeth as he brings distance between their faces again, and stares with half lidded eyes at Jimin. Jimin's eyes are still closed as he leans his face a bit closer after JK pulls away, disappointed that it ended and eager for more, kind of asking for more. 

"How was it?", JK asks softly in a whisper.

Jimin blinks multiple times, his cheeks reddening even more as the meaning of the question and what they just did sinks in. "G-Good."

JK smiles slightly and takes a step back from Jimin. He feels a little dizzy as he stands there, the touch of JK's hand on his waist lingering. He wishes he wouldn't let go there. 

"Just good?", JK smirks, his arms crossed. 

Jimin gets himself together quickly with a roll of his eyes, "I'm not feeding your ego."

JK chuckles. "Don't worry, I know you liked it", he notices how JK's eyes move from his face to his crotch, where Jimin's obvious boner is poking out. 

"I-I need to use the restroom", Jimin yells after turning away in panic and walking out of the room. 

"Last door to your left", he can hear JK's smirk from his voice and he hates it.  

After he's entered the bathroom, he takes a glance at himself in the mirror and curses under his breath. His face is red, his lips slightly swollen from JK's hungry kiss, and his pupils dilated. 

He quickly collects himself by wetting his hands and pressing them against his cheeks, his skin burning hot under his cold fingers. 

When he's finally ready to face JK again, he goes back to the bedroom where JK is busy doing something on his computer. He enters slowly and when JK notices him, he smiles. "Hey, sorry if it was too much for you."

Jimin shakes his head in denial, "No, no, it's fine."

JK walks towards his closet which is at the corner of the room and searches for something. He makes an 'ah' sound when he's found what he wants and Jimin stares in question as he awkwardly stands at the door. "Would it be okay if you wore these for me?" 

He holds up a pair of black laced panties that, not only would barely cover Jimin's front, but his ass would be completely out for show. He widens his eyes and covers his mouth, not knowing how to react at that. 

JK laughs and inspects the panties curiously, "They're not that bad, are they?" 

Jimin shakes his head in denial, although he thinks they are that bad. 

"If you don't want-"

JK is cut off by Jimin taking the panties off of his hands, "It's fine I'll wear them." 

The soft look on JK's eyes disappears, as he imagines Jimin wearing them. JK clears his throat and walks out of the room, "I'll let you change", he says and closes the door behind him. 

Jimin stares at the panties in his hands and lets out a squeal of embarrassment. 

Oh my god. 

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