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"Yes, Gianna. I'll be there soon. Okay, bye." I hung up my phone and turned to Dalton with a sigh. "She's ridiculous."

"What does she need? Help with the anatomy homework or something?" Dalton joked, arching an eyebrow and smiling.

"Yeah, actually. She wants to study for the test tomorrow, but she hasn't finished the study guide yet. Wanna come?" I asked and he shook his head, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Nah, I'm good. I'd rather go tanning with you than waste a night of my life trying to get Gianna to understand something." He laughed, finishing off his sixth slice. Dang, he could eat almost the whole pizza himself.

"Hey, don't joke. I might take you up on that offer." I wiggled my eyebrows and he squinted his eyes at me.

"Hey, going with you and waiting there is enough for me." He said, looking over his shoulder at a blonde girl by the counter. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"You're my emotional support. Not that I need any while tanning. It's relaxation enough. I just like to string you along." I said and he turned his attention back to me.

"Oh, I know." He winked and I rolled my eyes again.

"Okay, I'm gonna go." I said, standing up and grabbing his hand. I placed a kiss on his cheek and headed for the door.

"I love you! Don't forget about dinner tomorrow!" He called and I turned back.

"I won't! I love you too, bye!" I waved before walking out to my car. Good thing I came over to his right after school, otherwise I would've had to stop back at my house for my bag.

I hurried up and drove to Gianna's house. I turned off the car and got out, grabbing my bag and heading inside. I chose to go up the left staircase instead of the right one this time. I headed down the hall and made my way to Gianna's room, where she was splayed out on her bed. Sheets of paper and multiple books surrounded her. She had her arm across her head like the drama queen she is.

"Gianna, are you awake?" I mocked in my best British accent.

"Nope, I'm dead. This study guide killed me." She groaned and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Well, you're in luck. I'm here to help, doll face." I said, plopping my bag down beside her bed

"Yeah, cause if you did want to help, you would've brought me some left over pizza. My mom is back from Thailand and she had Naomi make these lettuce roll up things for dinner." She groaned, sitting up and leaning back. I laughed and moved some papers from beside her. I plopped down beside her and gave her a look.

"Gianna, you know there was no pizza left. We only got one. Between me. And Dalton. Any pizza left would've been a miracle. I only had two. He finished the whole rest of the pizza himself." I told her and she twisted her lips to the side, nodding.

"Yeah, I know." She said, leaning her head on my shoulder.  "I'm so tired."

"Gianna, it's only eight. You're usually up way later." I pointed out and she sighed. She grabbed a book and plopped it in her lap.

"No, I mean, I'm tired of studying." She said and I sighed. I grabbed the book from her lap and opened to where her study guide was.

I grabbed my pencil from my bag and started writing the answers down. The teacher would tell us anyways to make sure we're actually studying the right thing to test on.

"Ugh, you're a sweetie. You know I love you?" She said and I hummed in response, finishing the packet before handing it back to her.

"Good now?" I asked and she nodded with the biggest smile on her face.

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