The Slap

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-Scene for Shadow Rose chapter 13-

Allison handed back Felix's phone after several failed attempts to get a hold of Seth. The major thing that was bugging her was when was he going to arrive in Volterra; when is he going to show up at the Volturi's door? Did he not have any concern that the Volturi could kill him on the spot because he is a wolf? She could tell Felix what Seth is but she didn't want him plus a few other members of the guard to be waiting for him at the airport to kill him.

Felix had taken her outside to the garden, he had figured that getting some fresh air may help her relax. It helped... sort of, but she still worried about the possible outcome. She remembered her dad telling her that vampires and wolves don't have a good relationship, some do but the majority no. Also, that after Caius was almost killed by one, he gathered a group of the guards and hunt them down. She didn't want Seth to be killed because he is a wolf.

"Are you alright?" Felix asked.

Allison looked at him, giving a shrug. "You ever felt frustrated and want to punch someone?"

"Sometimes,"Felix said. "I remember, it was 1658, and we had a human servant who was incredibly useless, she made too many mistakes. A woman in her late twenties, she was beautiful. She wasn't married or had any children, she only wanted to become immortal. Now, I did plan on draining her myself until one day, Demetri bet me to it. I, in today's terms, bitch slapped him."

Allison blinked before bursting out laughing. "You don't look like the type to bitch slap."

Felix shrugged, with a huge grin on his face. "It was the heat of the moment."

Allison laughed again, unaware they had company, until Felix said something in Italian that she misses. She looked in the direction that he was looking to see Caius standing there with a small grin of his own. "Have you ever bitch slap anyone, Caius?"

Caius smile grew. "Aro, about two thousand years ago." Allison chuckled. Caius looked at Felix. "I'll be with her for the rest of this evening, Felix."

Felix gave a nod to them both. "See you later." With that, he was gone.

Caius walked over to Allison until he was by her side. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he buried his nose in her hair, taking in her scent. Caius pulled back, he put his hand underneath her chin, making her look up at leaned down and captured her lips with his. Allison responded to the kiss. The kiss was very passionate, yet it was abruptly ended after Caius bit her lip.

Allison pulled back as she licked her lip, tasting blood. She looked up at Caius, who had a little bit of her blood on his lips, he happily licked it away. Caius had a smile on his face. "You taste good."

Allison rolled her eyes. "I'm not a snack."

"Of course not, amore." Caius smile fell.

"I'm the whole damn entrée."

Caius blinked before letting out a laugh. "And I'm starving for your love." Allison chuckled. Caius removed his arms from her waist. "I shall take you to your room for you to relax the rest of your day." He offered out his hand for her to take, which she did.

"After you said you bitch slapped Aro, I've been waiting to hear that story," she said as they started to walk through the garden to go back inside the castle.

"Well," Caius started, " it was a few thousand years ago when we were going to war with the Romanians..."

-Now to the actual story of Caius bitch slapping Aro-

For the past bit, Aro was getting on Caius' nerves to the point where the blonde vampire king wanted to strangle him. It wouldn't kill his soul-brother, but it would make Caius feel a lot better releasing his rage. For Athenadora's sake, he promised her that he wouldn't do no such thing, the Volturi was already under enough stress, they didn't need any more.

The Volturi had taken up a home in Volterra, hence their coven's name was in honor of their new home, a place where they will live for eternity. Volterra is the only place that they will defend to keep standing, to become the source of power in the vampire world.

Caius was sitting in the Throne room, watching Aro pace back and forth, rumbling to himself about the Romanians. The Romanians were causing quite a stir among the humans, sitting on their thrones in front of the mortals, never aging. The mortals were becoming extremely uncomfortable with them around, so the Volturi ended up taking a trip to visit. At first, it was them discussing the future of the vampire race and how it should be kept a secret, the Romanians strongly voiced that vampires should rule the world. The kings let that slide a bit, they thought not a whole lot of it until word spread that there has been mass killing, people completely drained of blood by red eyed creatures. Then word also spread that these men that never age and stay still for a long, unnatural amount of time was starting to make people extremely uncomfortable. The Volturi ended up having another conversation with them, warning them to stop letting mortals know that vampire exist. That conversation blew up into an argument between the two covens.

In short terms, tension built up between the two covens, that escalated into violence which has led them to a war with one another.

Caius had grown up with war, so it doesn't bother him much as it does with Aro and Marcus. However, what was bothering him now was how much he envied Marcus for being away with his mate in their room, and Aro was really bothering him.

"Surely, they cannot be foolish to attack us head on," Caius said, his red eyes watched his soul-brother. "Even with the amounts in both covens, we have the upper hand with ones who has abilities."

"I believe they are foolish enough, brother."

"You're foolish for letting this consume you," Caius said bluntly, making Aro stop pacing and glare at him.

"How are you not worried?" Aro was shooting daggers at him. "Everything we have worked for to uphold could be crushing down on us."

Caius shot daggers back, now he had gotten out of his seat."Everything will be crushing done on us if you don't stop your obessive pacing!" He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "To the Gods above, you are driving me insane."

"It is pissing me off how you're not concern about this!" Aro exclaimed.

Caius was in front of his brother within a second. How dare he say that he wasn't concern about the situation?! Of course, Caius was. The only thing is Caius doesn't show it nor would he be over-concerned about a war with the Romanians. He has decided that the Romanians were going to die, even if it may take some time, he was going to make sure of it.

Of course, Aro couldn't shut up, he continued on, "Stop hiding behind your cold self and act-"


The slap echoed the Throne room; Aro put his hand to his cheek, his eyes shooting daggers at Caius, while the blonde king was looking at him with a blank look but his ruby red eyes spoke that he wasn't going to put up with anymore of this Romanian bullshit.

"You slapped me," Aro said, a bit in shock. Never had any of them had hit each other.

"I did," Caius said as a matter-of-fact. "You were acting like a bitch, so I slapped you. Slapping of the bitch."

Aro growled. "I was not."

"Most certainly were." Caius blank face changed. He now held a very wide smile full of teeth. "I bitch slapped you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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