Chapter 4

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Chaeyoung POV

"Um, did I do something wrong?" I asked her friends, "No, Mina's just a bit shy you know?" I nodded, "She said that you two never talked, so why would you ask her on a date out of the blue?" Momo asked, "Well, I've always watched her from afar hoping that maybe we'd accidentally bump into each other or have some sort of incident where we'd get to know each other but that never happened. And since it's our senior year, we may never see each other again, so I just had to shoot my shot now." I said and they nodded excitedly, "You seem really nice Chaeyoung and Mina is a bit complicated and guarded, so we would like to help you!" They offered, "Yes please!" I quickly answered.

- - -

"Okay, what was that, who was that, why was that?!" Dahyun asked as I walked back to our table. "What?" I wasn't paying attention to anything Dahyun was saying, "Who were the girls you were talking to, what were you talking to them about, and why were you talking to them?" She asked and I shrugged, "Just greeting the new students." I said monotonously, "Introduce us, now!" Dahyun ordered, "They're so pretty." She was in awe. "What the- go introduce yourself." I nudged her off. I still needed to plan out how I'm going to ask Mina out.

"Come on Dahyun, I'll take you." Tzuyu got up, wrapping one of her arms around Dahyun's shoulder.

Okay, game face on, mind ready, I'm all focused.

"Chaeyoung!" School was over and I was ready to spend all afternoon planning how to take Mina on the perfect date. "Yes?" I turned around to find Sana and Momo standing in front of me. "Mina had to go study, so would you like to hang out. Plan and stuff and maybe you could bring those two friends of yours!" Sana offered. "Sure! I'm down." I agreed.

"What can I do to have Mina go out with me?" I eagerly asked as soon as we sat down. "Hold your horses Chaeyoung, it's not that simple. Mina is...very complicated so to say. She's the type of person who likes to stay in the shadows but wishes that she's out in the light. She watches so many cheesy and cliche romance dramas but doesn't express the longing of dating someone herself." I sighed but then realized, I'll do whatever it takes for her to just notice me from one minute.

"But it's not impossible right?" I asked. They hesitated, "Well, it's not impossible but it's near there." Wow, might as well say that Mina is undateable. "I'm still going to try though, in the end if this doesn't work out, it'll hurt but maybe we could be friends." I say.

"Wow Chae, your determination is so strong, how come you've never said anything about this before?" Tzuyu asked, "Ummm, if I said anything you'd probably tell Jeong and then Nayeon would know and then everyone would know and I couldn't let that happen." I explained. "That's so true though!" Dahyun laughed. "Okay, would you girls like anything to drink, it's on me?" I asked, standing up, "I'll go with you!" Dahyun stood up as well, "Alrighty then." We went to go order.

"Chae, I think I like one of them. She's just so pretty and funny it's like one half of me is saying that I want to be best friends but the other half is telling me that I want to be something more." Dahyun looked mesmerized, "Who? Sana?" I asked but she shook her head, "Not telling you yet until I figure out what I want." I nodded, understandingly, "Okay then, tell me when you make up your mind." I say, paying for our drinks. "Deal!"

Mina POV

I ran to the garden because that was the only place I could go. What do I do? I couldn't hide anymore since The Son Chaeyoung was seen talking to me, I couldn't avoid her because Sana and Momo would probably lead her right to me, I can't say yes to the date because I don't like her like that and I can't say no because that will attract too much attention.

I paced back and forth until the bell rang, maybe I'll just stuff the memory in the back of my brain until I have a solution.

- - -

School was done and as soon as the teacher dismissed us, I ran to my locker, "So?" Sana asked, "Oh!" I yelped, not knowing she was there, "What do you want?" I asked, quickly grabbing the items I needed, "What are you going to do about it?" Momo asked excitedly, "Nothing, I got to go study." I lied, there was no way I could study, everything was all jumbled, I couldn't focus. "How can you study at a time like this!" Sana asked almost scolding, "Uh, don't know, got to go!" I rushed out of there.

I was running so fast that I wasn't paying attention to where I was looking. And because of my clumsiness, I managed to bump into someone, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I apologized, "It's alright, don't worry about it, are you okay?" the person asked. Wait, that voice sounds familiar, "Bangchan?!" I looked up, "Mina?" He asked, "It's so good to see you!" He greeted.

Bangchan and I met in elementary school, he was the little boy who'd always get beat up by the other kids until one day I decided to stand up for him. We would hang out during recess and talk to each other, as friends of course. During middle school we would talk to each other and be each other's rocks but after we graduated we couldn't since we got into different high schools. "It's good to see you too Bang!" I hugged him.

"Are you busy right now?" I shook my head, "Let's go to the café like old times!" He suggested, "Let's go!" Maybe I could tell him about the Chaeyoung situation, "So Bang what have you been up to?" I ask, "You know, the usual, good grades, captain of the basketball team, hottest guy is school." He boasted, "You should be a comedian." I rolled my eyes, "What about you Mina? I bet you're the most popular girl in school, top of all your classes and still pursuing ballet I hope?" He described almost everything I wasn't, "Um, not really, but I am still top of all my classes." I started fidgeting with my hands, "So, you're not doing ballet anymore?" He asked, concerned. "No, but it's okay, I don't think it's my thing anyways." I shook my head, "Wasn't your thing?" He mumbled, disappointed, "You loved ballet, there isn't a single dancer out there who could do the twirly thing better than you!" He reasoned. "Pirouette." I corrected, "See! You still know those fancy terms!" I sighed.

"Is there something that's bothering you Minari?" He asked, concerned, "I got asked out today." I said, looking a bit sad, "That's great! Why don't you look too happy about it?" He asked, "I don't know." I stated, "Who asked you out?" He asked, trying to get more information, "Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung." He looked like he was trying to think of something, "That name sounds familiar." I nodded, of course it does when she's the captain of the basketball and track team.

"Yeah, she is pretty-" I looked behind him and saw that a group of people from my school came in and to my luck, guess who they were. "Get down!" I whispered loudly, "W-why?" He got ducked but shot me with many questions, "That's her." I pointed to the black haired girl, "No way, that's the Son Chaeyoung who asked you out?" He looked surprised, "She's literally a legend!" He fanboyed, "Wait really? I thought she was just popular in our school." He looked at me with disbelief. "You've got to get your head out of your books more often. She's one of the best point guards, and with her track skills, her endurance is amazing and her shooting posture is flawless, have you ever been to one of your school games?" He asked. "I mean yeah but it was for extra credit." He rolled his eyes, "Mina you don't need extra credit, you probably have 101 grade in each class." He joked but he was wrong, "I have 110." I replied, "Okay dang, didn't need to brag."

"We should go." I slowly got up, "Wait why? Aren't you going to say hi? Sana and Momo are there too." He looked up, confused, "I told them I was studying." He shook his head, "Oooh, you're lying." He shamed, "I'll study when I get home!" I fight back. "Fine fine, can I go over to say hi?" He asked, are you kidding me? "Wha-, aren't you going to help me?" He shrugged, "You don't need any help, just stop leading the girl on and go out with her!" I shook my head, "Fine then, keep playing hard to get, I'm going over there to say hi, bye Minari!" I tried to stop him but couldn't without being seen.

I walked home with many thoughts on my mind, should I say yes? I mean she had okay grades and she didn't seem that mean but then again if I do say yes her fangirls/fanboys may come after me. I walked up the steps to my house with no clue to what the heck I was going to do.

- - - - -

Lol, guess who, it's Pengu back with another chapter, *applause! applause! Hahahahha

So Chaeyoung is madly in love with Mina and Mina is just really neutral and confused about it all, Dahyun likes either Sana or Momo (wonder who it'll be by the way), and Bangchan is as awesome as always! Lmao, hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Get ready for the next!!!

- Pengu <3

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