The New Boy

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Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's new and it had been deleted before because I thought it was no good but my sister kept hassling me to update it again. but if you like it please vote and comment and share the book please! Have fun reading!
I woke up to my mother slamming my door open and jolted awake and sat bolt up in my bed. I cringed as the smell of marijuana and other substances of drugs filled the room, I looked up at my mother and saw the blood shot eyes that scared me so much.

"Get out of bed." She yelled, as the smell of alcohol left her mouth.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked shakily.

"I said get out of bed!" She screamed.

I quickly got out of bed as my mother grabbed my arm and yanked me down the hallway into the lounge room, I slowly looked around the lounge room and saw needles, bongs, joints and empty alcohol bottles everywhere and knew mum had been partying last night. I turned to my mother as her fist connected with my left cheek and fell to the floor, I tried to get up as my mother kicked me back down to the floor.

"Clean up this before you got to your first day back at grade 12!" She shouted.

"How do you expect me to do this before school starts?!" I asked shocked.

"I don't care how you do it Elena, Just do it!" She said punching me in the face again.

I let out a small yelp of pain and quickly started picking up some needles as my mother threw a plastic bag roll at me. I picked up the plastic bags and started throwing away bongs, needles, joints and alcohol bottles.

Time skip

I walked into my bedroom and got changed into my white long sleeved shirt and long denim jeans with black vans. I should probably go into mum's bathroom and check my face. I quickly ran into mum's bathroom and gasped as I saw my nose was bleeding and I had a dark bruise on my left cheek. Shit! How am I going to hide this?! I turned on the tap and washed my nose until the blood was gone. I looked at the bruise and tapped my fingers on the bench on the tap until I remembered mum has foundation and quickly got the foundation and rubbed it gently over the bruise. I looked in the mirror and saw it only made the bruise lighter. Are you kidding me?! I grabbed mums brush and brushed my long wavy black hair that hung below my waist to cover my left cheek. I smiled at my one blue eye showing and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked into the lounge room and walked out of the front door as my mother walked up behind me and slammed the door shut behind me. So I guess I'm walking to school.... In the middle of winter. I started the long cold hike to the high school.

Time skip

I saw the school in the distance and kept my head down and walked into the death trap full of bullies. I walked to my locker and looked to see what my class was. Math ugh! I sighed and looked to see where my class was as I realised its right next to my locker. I smiled and walked to my favourite spot in the school which was under an oak tree on the oval.

I walked down the corridor as I reached the oval and saw a group of boys standing near the door that always bully me. Why did you have to go this way Elena?! I turned around as one of the boys grabbed my arm and yanked me backwards as I fell over. I looked up at him glaring and he just laughed.

"Aww trying to be scary, cute." He said laughing, "Why do you have only one eye showing freak!" He said getting close to my face.

I pushed him away and slowly got up as he kicked me in the stomach, I glared at him again and started walking away. I hope they don't come after me again.... I kept walking and casually looked over my shoulder and saw they were staring at me, I reached the oak tree and sat down just as the bell rang. Ugh! Just as I sit down! I hate those boys. I got up and started heading to my math class.

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