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The day you were assigned to work under the 11th harbinger, Childe. That was when your living nightmare had started.


"Tartaglia, sir. Lady Ningguang of the Tianquan has requested a meeting with you in Liyue." Y/N said to the fearsome harbinger.

"Ah.. About that, can you ask number 6 or 8 to meet with lady ningguang? I'm quite busy at the moment and my schedule wont be free for a while." Childe groaned.

"Yes, Tartaglia. Sir." Y/N said in a sarcastic tone, hoping Childe wouldn't notice. "Something the matter, rookie?" Childe said, giving you a cold glare.

A shiver was sent down your spine, the gaze of his ocean blue eyes staring into your eyes dug down to your bones. "No, Tartaglia. Sir." Y/N said.

"If you say so. Now get out my office I have work to go through." Childe yelled across the room, placing his legs onto the table, leaning back into the chair.

Y/N sighed as they walked out the room to visit both harbinger's 6 and 8. "Excuse me, Number 6. Sir? May I speak with you for a minute?" Y/N knocking lightly onto Harbinger, Scaramouches door.

Hearing a faint groan and the rustle of bed sheets and walking towards the door, "What do you want, rookie??" Scaramouche groaned at Y/N.

"It's about tartaglia. Sir, he had a meeting with Lady Ningguang about the Liyue Harbor incident." Y/N said, they could feel their heart tightening.

"That A-Hole wants me to go to a meeting for an incident HE caused?" Scaramouche murmured under his voice.

"Ask Signora." Scaramouche growled at the rookie. "Yes, Scaramouche. Sir." Y/N said, bowing their head down and speed walking away from scaramouches door, hearing the door slamming closed.

Walking down the long hallway felt like forever, fixing your mask that had laid over your eyes. soon reaching Number 8's door, knocking on the door lightly.

"Number 8? My lady, may I talk to you for a few minutes?" Y/N said with a lump in their throat.
Soon after hearing the steps of heels hitting the cold floor.

Signora opening the door. "What is it, rookie?" The Fair Lady said in a icy tone. Sending shivers down your spine just like Scaramouche.

"It's Tartaglia, My lady. He has a meeting with lady Ningguang in Liyue about the incident but cannot attend." Y/N said to the Platinum Blonde lady.

"Is that so.. Send a Diplomat to Lady Ningguang. I don't have time to play tea party with her." Signora said, passing by you. Giving you a cold glare and walking off.

Y/N sighed. Closing Signora's door and walking off the other way, soon taking your mask off to reveal your (E/C) eye's, blinking as the light of the chandelier's hit your eyes.

What if I went to Lady Ningguang's instead of asking a diplomat..? Y/N thought to themselves, thinking for a long while. Soon feeling a light tap on their shoulder.

"GAH!!" Y/N  Screeched slightly after realizing how long they had been standing, looking up at the fearsome harbinger, his cold ocean blue eyes staring into your (E/C) eyes once again.

"Rookie, do you know how long you've been standing here?" Childe snapped at Y/N, there was a lump in Y/N's throat.

"T-Tartaglia, Sir!" Y/N said with panic in your voice, your legs getting weak as Childe looks down on you. "Did you do what I asked, rookie?" Childe said, gripping the fabric of your uniform that was a size too big for you.

"Yes! Tartaglia, Sir." Y/N exclaimed, a cold sweat came across your forehead. "S.. Scaramouche said to ask Signora.. and Signora said to send a diplomat."

"Is that so?? Did you send a diplomat or not?" Childe's grip on the fabric tightening, "About that. Tartaglia, Sir.." Y/N said, their voice shaking.

"What??" Childe snapped at Y/N again. "I.. Uh, I was about to send a diplomat!! Yeah.." Y/N's voice still shaking.

Childe sighed, letting his grip of the fabric go and pinching your cheeks. "Tell the diplomat to come back, my schedule is free now." Childe said, his ocean blue eyes shining in the light of the chandelier, making it look less scary.

Is the 11th really like this..? Or is it a facade.. Y/N thought to themselves, rubbing their cheeks after the harbinger had let go.

"I'll be going now, rookie." Childe walking away waving as he turned the corner at the end of the hallway.

Y/N sighed, slumping down against the wall and their legs still shaking from the interaction.

"Sir is scary when he's like that.. I don't want to get on his bad side and have to spar with him.."

Y/N got up from the floor and brushing off dust from their pants, letting out a sigh and carrying their belongs to their chamber.


Closing the door behind them, plopping their oversized coat on the floor along with their belongings. Y/N threw themselves onto the bed in exhaustion.

"I'm so tired.." Y/N heaved while looking out the window, seeing all the smoke coming out of chimney's.

"It's always so cold here in snezhnaya.." Y/N said, a few moments later laying onto their back, and hugging a pillow between their arms.

"Ai-ya..! The harbinger's are so scary!!" Y/N said out loud, kicking their feet into the air.

What if the Tsaritsa will punish Tartaglia for the Liyue Incident..


Y/N tossed and turned in their bed as the sight of Childe ocean blue eyes stared at them.

Why am I thinking about that now..?

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