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A/N: This story is about Monchele being reunited in the afterlife. I haven't seen another story written like this. So I thought I'd write it. Hope you all enjoy!

Lea's POV:
*Flashback 1*
July 2013
"Ann is it true?! IS IT TRUE" Lea yelled into the phone.

Cory's mother was concerned why Lea was yelling at her.

"What do you mean? Is what true sweetheart?" Ann asked.

"About C-c-cory. Is it-is it t-true what the news is saying?" Lea asked, tears rolling down her face.

"Well, what're they saying?" Ann was getting worried.

Lea couldn't take it anymore she cried even more and yelled in the phone, "That h-h-he's d-dead. They're saying that he's DEAD Ann!"

Lea hung up and threw her phone across the room and started pacing the room crying and running her hands through her hair, as she remembered her and Cory's last moment together...

*Flashback 2*
They had came back from their date and we're sitting on the couch grinning and kissing. After a few moments they gently pull away and look into each others eyes. Cory smiled and headed to the door and Lea walked him.

"I can't wait until we move in together then we can be with eachother all the time. Don't forget I'll have my stuff packed and ready in a few days and I'll come and pick you up, and we can move in our new place." Lea said grinning up at him.
He smiled back and she stood on her tip toes, hugged and pecked him on the lips.

"Also, I'm very proud of you for going to rehab and getting help. I was really worried about you," she said.

Cory gently stroked Lea's cheek, bent down and gave her a long sweet lingering kiss, then said, "I love you so much."

Lea smiled up at him and said, "I love you more."

Cory looked at the ground. "If you say so," he mumbled.

They gave each other one more sweet hug, then he went out and closed the door behind him.
Little did she know that would be the last time she would see him.....

**Present Day**
Lea was sitting in her chair looking out the window of the nursing home. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she remembered the heartbreaking memories that happend 60 years ago. But it felt like it was only yesterday.

"Miss Lea," the nurse said coming in to check on her.

Lea just sat there staring out of the window as the nurse came and bent down beside her.

"Miss Lea, it's your bed time. You need to get your sleep."

Lea looked at the nurse and nodded. "Yes dear I suppose it is my bed time," Lea said and stood up.

The nurse helped her into bed and tucked her in. Lea smiled at her.

"Is there anything else you need tonight miss Lea?" the nurse asked.

Lea pointed to the chair beside of her bed. "Please sit, there is something I would like to show you," Lea said.

The nurse sat and looked at her curiously. Lea smiled and pulled out her memory book.

"How much do you know about me," Lea asked.

The nurse was puzzled "Well apart from you being one of the most famous stars of all time. And being on a show called Scream Queens that's pretty much all I know."

Lea nodded and smiled. "Those were fun times. But I was also played on Glee as Rachel Berry."

She opened her photo album and turned to a picture from season one of the Glee cast that she had and showed it to her nurse.

"No way. The Rachel Berry? As in Barbra Streisand obsessed Rachel Berry?" The nurse asked excitedly.

Lea laughed, "Yep, that's me."

Lea and nurse talked and laughed about her life story until she got tired, but she allowed her nurse to ask one more question.

"Miss Lea, I need to ask you this because it's something I've been needing to know ever since my grandma showed me Glee as a child and I looked you and Cory up..." the nurse said carefully, because she knew it was a sore subject.

Lea smiled fondly and said, "Ask away dear. What would you like to know?"

The nurse took a deep breath and asked, "Did Cory ever propose to you?..."

Lea's eyes looked sad but she smiled and pulled her necklace out that was around her neck. "In the past 60 years I've never talked about it with anyone. Not my husband and not even my son.... but yes, yes me and Cory were engaged." Lea said looking down at the rings on her necklace. "He proposed a few months before he went to rehab and I immediately said yes. After he put my engagement ring on my finger, I insisted we go and pick out his future wedding ring. I couldn't wait a second longer. I was so happy and was even more so after we got his ring." Lea sighed. "We had it all planned out. Our wedding, our honeymoon...even what we were going to name our future kids." Lea trailed off staring blankly ahead. She shook her head.

Her nurse smiled at her. Lea smiled and took a locket out of her photo book. "Here," Lea said handing it to her nurse, "I want you to have this, so you'll always have me with you. You've been like a daughter to me. And have treated me better than the other nurses."

The nurse smiled and opened the locket, inside was a picture of a younger Lea laughing and looking up at Cory. The nurse smiled and hugged her. "Thank you so much miss Lea I will treasure it always."

Lea smiled and patted her back, "You're welcome dear."
After the nurse left Lea lay there and drifted off to sleep.
And as Lea slept her breathing got slower and slower, then all at once...Lea Michele was in a different world.

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