stoneheart (part 1)

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*hello darlings, this story may not be word for word like the episode but I've tried my best, so bear with me and please enjoy cause this story may have some extra twists to it*


your name (Y/N)

last name (L/N)

hair length (H/L)

eye color (E/C)


Many centuries ago, magical jewels with extraordinary powers were created, these were the Miraculous. Throughout history hero's have used these jewels for the good of the human race. Two of these miraculous are the most powerful than some others. The earrings of the Ladybug, and the ring of the Blackcat. According to legend, whoever controls all these jewels will achieve absolute power.

- (Y/N's) POV -

Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm 15 years old. My father and I live in our family bakery. Were known to be the best bakers in all of Paris. People love coming by for my father's famous 'Sweet CrumbleCakes' he always tells me the secret ingredient to his pastries are 'The Love of the People'.

"(Y/N)!!! Get up or you'll be late for school, you do wanna make a good impression on your first day at your new school right!!" yells my dad from down the stairs. I groan as I drag myself out of bed and quickly get dressed.

As I'm skipping down the stairs, I meet my father with a fresh plate of croissants at the bottom. "Thanks papa" I quickly grab a croissant and struggle to slide my bookbag strap over my shoulder, "You better get going, have a great day, and make a friend today okay princess". I kiss my father on his cheek and run out the door "See you later!" I yell back to him.

-- time skip--

I make my way to the crosswalk and press the light to cross, when the crosswalk sign flashes 'green' for me to cross I walk past a row of cars and get to the other side. As I'm starting to get close to the school doors I hear someone fall and groan in pain, I turn around to see a old man on his knees struggling to grab his cane as he barely made it to the other side of the crosswalk, I panic and rush to his side "Ahh! Hold on, Mr!" I grab his arm and carry it over my shoulder as well I grab his cane and help his cross.

When we make it across, I trip and sit on my knees "Thank you young lady, that was very brave of you" the old man says as he helps me to my feet. "No problem at all, just be more careful next time". I say before running as the school bell rings "Oh no, I'm late!"

— time skip —

I walk into class as I see two girls arguing, one of them was Chloe. I remember Chloe from around the hotel across town but I never really talked to her a lot. She shouts at a girl and slams her hand on the desk in front of her.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Chloe says in a annoyed tone to the other girl with blue hair in pigtails. "This is my seat." Chloe says as she glares at the girl. "But Chloe this has always been my seat." The girl says to Chloe. Suddenly Sabrina Chloe's best friend scoots over to her "Not anymore, it's a new year so that means, new school, new year, new seats."

"Yea, so why don't you sit with that new girl over there." Chloe says as she points to a girl across the classroom with brown hair and red tips. The girl tried to say something but Chloe cut her off before she could say a word. "Listen Adrien, is coming to school today and since this is going to be his seat-" Chloe points to the seat in front of her "This is going to be my seat, Dupain-Cheng got it!".

"Who's Adrien?" the blue haired girl asked. Chloe and Sabrina start laughing, they continue arguing until I finally say something. "Leave her alone Chloe, just pick another seat!" I yell from across the room behind the girl with brown hair and red tips. They turn their heads to me and I feel that was either brave or dumb. "Oh look Sabrina, someone is trying to play superhero, and what if I don't want to." Chloe barks back at me. Sabrina speaks up. "Wait I've never seen you around here before, what is a girl like you doing at this school anyway." Chloe laughs beside her, Disgust runs through me but before I could lash back at them the teacher walks in. The girl with the blue hair gets up and sits beside the girl with the brown hair and red tips when the teacher stands in front of the desk.

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