princess fragrance (part 1)

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*Just a quick disclaimer I don't remember all that happened in the episode expect for Rosé getting akumatized and, Tikki getting sick, and Chloe having Tikki in the show, all in order so I'm gonna try to wing it and add some extra spice to it <3 <3 so bear with me and enjoy the story, I'm also gonna maybe do a two part or three part of the story for the extra spice.*

— (Y/N) POV —

It was a ordinary day as always in the beginning of my crazy life as (Y/N) and Ladybug. My relationship with Chat Noir was going pretty good, we've been good friends ever since the beginning when it all started. Hawkmoth has really kept us busy with all the akuma attacks lately. School has been rough too. I've been really tired from all the Ladybug business, that I've been late to school and have forgotten about all my assignments, but I'm managing my time after school everyday when I can to finish the important things. I've also helped Papa a little around the bakery whenever he needed so things have been pretty good around here.

I sit at my sewing table, working on a outfit for one of Adrien's fashion shows this evening. He told me his father was holding a show today for his fashion line and Adrien had asked me if I could make him a outfit to be displayed on his clothing line, so of course I said yes. What kind of person would I be if I said no to such a big offer, I've been dreaming for a design in my name to be noticed by very important people. This could really help Papa and me. "This jacket needs something but what." I scoot my chair to my drawing desk and pick up my design book, I flip the pages to my recent design for Adrien's show. I then get an idea. "Maybe a flower or those cute little cloths, you can put in the pocket on the jacket." I push my chair away from my desk and get up "Guess I should go into town and get some supplies, hopefully I can make it back in time for the show later." I turn to my alarm clock on my dresser. "Better get going now."

— time skip —

I walk home from a shop that sells a lot of cool things that I could put into my design, before I turn the corner to walk down the subway stairs because I took the train across Paris to find this shop, I hear a tiny sneeze from my purse, I open it and see Tikki shivering and hugging herself, I gently reach my hand in my bag and pick her up. "Tikki what's wrong, are you ok." She lifts her tiny head up to me "I don't feel so well (Y/N)." she says in a low tone I can barely hear her, she also lets out a tiny cough that doesn't sound so good. "Oh Tikki, I thought kwami's couldn't get sick." I sound surprised but worried "Kwami's can react in some ways like humans can." I softly put her back into my bag "Don't worry Tikki, I'll find a way to get you well again." I say very worried for her. "There's someone I know, who can heal me." Tilting my head "How, I thought you had to remain a secret from everyone." She explains to me there's a man who's the only one besides me that knows about Tikki and some other Miraculous's, his job is to protect all the Miraculous from falling into the wrong hands. "Please take me to him (Y/N), he's the only one who can help." I feel sad for Tikki but look up "Alright Tikki, but what about Adrien's show, I still haven't finished his outfit." Tikki groans "But (Y/N)." I nod "Don't worry Tikki, I'll get you your help, trust me on this."

— time skip —

Time passes as I get my supplies home in time and  I've completely forgotten about Tikki's medicine as she still remains resting in my purse. More time passes by as I finish my outfit for Adrien and cut the last string to tie the entire outfit together so it doesn't fall apart "Voliá! It's perfect, ok Tikki I'm finally finished." I look around and when I don't see Tikki pop out anywhere I get concerned and grab my purse I open it and see Tikki, I gasp and put my hand on my month as I look at Tikki she doesn't look so very well as she did earlier today, I finally remember that I had forgotten all about her medicine to make her feel better "Oh no Tikki!" I close my bag with Tikki inside and run out of my room in a panic.

I run across town to find the address of this person Tikki told me about, she said he was the only one that could heal her, and I completely had forgotten I feel so bad that I didn't listen to her when I should have, and now I could lose her. I open my bag to check on her "Don't worry Tikki, we're almo-" before I could finish I had bumped into something and Tikki had fallen out of my bag and I hadn't noticed, I look up and see I had bumped into Adrien. "Oh Adrien, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologize and rub the back of my head "Oh no worries, I hope your alright, Adrien offers his hand to help me up and this makes me blush "Oh yea, thanks." I smile and laugh nervously as I finally remember again about Tikki, I peek into my bag and notice she's gone. "Gah?!" I start to panic more when I had lost Tikki and to top it off, she's very ill and can't move a lot. "I'm sorry for bumping into you Adrien but I have to go." I run off before he could say anything more.

— time skip —

So much time has been wasted that Tikki still hasn't been found by (Y/N), but someone soon spots Tikki on a staircase step. She soon pretends she's a stuffed toy when a mother pushing a stroller with her baby inside spots her and picks her up, the mother gives Tikki to her child as she continues their walk. (Y/N) isn't so far behind them. You run behind them to try to catch up to them but their to far, when you lose them, and somehow the child started to cry and he threw Tikki far somewhere and people were walking as Tikki rolled over onto the sidewalk, soon Chloe was approaching Tikki when she noticed her and picked her up "Ew what is this thing, some stuffed toy." Chloe shrugs and puts Tikki into her bag.

You run up the path to where you last saw the woman and her child, as you come up to the 'Le Grand Paris' hotel, Chloe's dad runs the hotel, so you knew you may run into her. You walk into the hotel and step into the lobby, you see Chloe walk to the elevator but before she steps inside, Sabrina walks up to her. You notice them laughing as Chloe reaches inside her purse and holds up Tikki to Sabrina, you feel relief but fear that Chloe has Tikki but think of how you would get her back. Chloe and Sabrina step into the elevator and you watch as the doors close before you could reach them. "No!." You look around and run over to the other elevator and push a random button hoping it could lead you to Tikki.

— time skip —

After some brave attempts to sneak into Chloe's room to get Tikki back you finally slip inside when Chloe isn't looking. You notice Chloe put her purse down and walk to a door, she opens it and walks inside closing the door behind her, you quietly but quickly run up to where she left her purse and open it, you feel happy that you've gotten Tikki back. "Oh Tikki, I'm so sorry." Tikki was sound asleep but she didn't look very good, and you have yourself to blame for that. You softly pull her out and place her down in your bag. Now all that was left was to figure out how to get out of here. Suddenly you hear a door handle jiggle and you quickly hide behind the sofa. You peek out as you see Sabrina walk in. "Chloe!" she yells out. Chloe answers that she's in her closet and will be out soon, but you panic when Sabrina comes close to the sofa. You watch her turn her back and try to make a run for it, but she keeps turning around in every direction, "Come on Sabrina!" you whisper in annoyance.

When she finally turns her back to the sofa and walks up to the door Chloe went, on the far side of the room you quickly bolt to the door and run down the hallway to the elevator.

— time skip —

You finally get Tikki the help she needed from this man she mentioned that could help her, you bend down and watch him do some weird hand movements and chant some words, you couldn't understand and soon Tikki has regained her original colors and woke up with joy. Her temperature went down and she was feeling a lot better again. A tear had rolled down my cheek when I gave Tikki the biggest hug "Ohh Tikki! I'm so sorry... I'm so happy your okay." I cry. Tikki wipes my tears away and gives me the biggest smile "Its ok, (Y/N) but thank you, and thank you master for helping us." Tikki turns to the man and nods her head to him. I look at her in confusion, "Master?." Tikki introduces me to the man that saved her life "Oh (Y/N), this is Master Fu, he watches over all the Miraculous." I extend my hand to him "Nice to meet you, uh Master." I smile as he takes my hand "Ahh Ladybug, it's good to see you again." he says proud but I ask him "What?" Tikki cuts in "Master Fu was the one that entrusted a Miraculous to you." I am in shock "So your the one that gave me Tikki." Fu nods "I see you and Tikki work well together, I knew you too were made for each other." I smile and realize "And Chat Noir." Fu remembers about the Blackcat miraculous he gave away "Ahh yes, I've been watching closely and have noticed you Ladybug and Chat Noir have worked beautifully together." knowing all this makes me feel good about myself "Thank you Master, I hope to make you proud." Fu smiles at my comment.

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