How is it that I've never noticed this restaurant before? It's right in downtown Mystery Spell, and yet...
"Hey, you're Lucille, right? Have you been here before or is this your first time?"
There's the new Guild person, who finally found the nerve to come and talk to one of us... and she chose me?
Did she think I looked friendly? That would be the first time anyone's ever said that about me.
Especially since I'm not here to make friends, but just to find out whether or not vampires really do exist or not... My life depends on it.
"Hey there! Yep, that's me. First time here. Like you, it looks like. But I think the Guild comes here a lot. What's your name?"
"Oh, um... I'm... Elena... I guess I haven't introduced myself to the other members yet. To the other 'Immortals', I should say. That is the right term, isn't it?"
"Yes, that's what we call ourselves here. Although none of us is immortal. We just fantasize about it. I assume you do too?"
Elena smiles awkwardly, her eyes evasive as she seems to be recalling some rather dark memories. What drove her to join us, to wish for a second life?
Behind us, Loan has joined us with an attitude and a smile worthy of the best amateur ladies' man.
"So you're the new girl, I take it? Welcome to the Guild of the Immortals! Evening, Lucille, you look fabulous in that black dress."
Pff. That guy is so full of it... I'd much rather check out the decor in here, it's much more interesting.
"So listen, noob, I've been a member of the Guild for several years already."
"But you're still not immortal, right? Or am I mistaken?"
"Not yet! But that's why our guild was created, to study the dark arts and help some people become immortal, like tonight!"
"Well anyway, if you have any questions, come and see me. My name's Loan, in case you didn't know that already. And you are?"
"Not interested, but thanks."
Ha ha! I think I like this one! Loan's not a bad guy, but his constant habit of trying to seduce women gets old real fast.
"Man, you two are a tough audience... Anyway, this is going to be a special evening. Something we won't be forgetting anytime soon, trust me."
His eyes light up with a strange spark. As if he were preparing a surprise, or rather some kind of nasty prank.
"Loan! This meeting sucks. And besides, I don't want to join your stupid guild in the first place. I'm sick of you ignoring me! I'm taking off. Later!"
Loan goes running after his girlfriend. What a character! Meanwhile, Elena pushes her eyeglasses up her little upturned nose and clears her throat.
"This restaurant belongs to the boss of our guild, right?"
"No, it belongs to Viktor Bartholy, a vampire prince we study a lot, here at the Guild."
"Oh, right, I think I saw some articles about him at the Guild office. But... do you think he really exists? I mean, can you imagine how old he would be, since Ancient Rome?"
"This guild and this quest for immortality, is it just to study paranormal phenomena or is it to become immortal? I mean, is that actually possible?"
"I tend to believe what I can see. So I'll wait until this special evening is over to make up my own mind about immortality and vampires."
(And if vampires don't exist, I'm screwed...)
"So what exactly is happening tonight? I'm not sure I understand the reason for this big gathering."
Before I have time to answer, Loan comes back, bummed out that his girlfriend took off before he could stop her.
"Her loss... She has no idea what's going to happen afterwards... What were you saying, Elena? That you wanted to know what's going on tonight?"
"Actually, our guild has been contacted by the Order of the Arcane. Tonight, their members are going to choose one or two people among us to join their ranks."
"And I'll do anything I can to be chosen. I'll be a very unique vampire... They'll be bowled over!"
"Is that so? Are you quite sure of that?"
Who is that? Where did that man come from?
The impressive man who has just materialized behind Loan has a light smile on his face and seems satisfied about the effect his entrance produced.
His presence fills the whole restaurant dining room. There's a magnetic, dangerous aura about him. There, that's the word: he's a predator!
To find out more, play "Is It Love? Stories - Viktor" and immerse yourself in an incredible success story!

Is It Love? Stories - Mystery Spell
RomanceWelcome to the Mystery Spell campus where vampires, werewolves and a host of mystical creatures lurk in the darkness... Embody a female character and live interactive love stories in fascinating universes. Watch the trailer HERE! Bienvenue à l'univ...