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Life is full of chill and Netflix in the southern Sahara parts of Africa. Netflix in that Africa as a region filled with different ideological ideas from religion, education. This ideological idea have been the causes of underdeveloped regions such as cities, corruption has been rocket high for ages, old regime rulers who lead for long terms only death relieves them from power and authority. Dreams are valid but not for ghetto kids in the suburbs of Githu. Economy downturn has ruined lives of many with the ruling power burdening its people's economy.

If the sky is the limit 🤣😂rather agree to disagree since man landed on the moon. Pop ain't that smoke for the cries of the poor are never heard and will never come rain come sunshine.Abroad every talent is acknowledged but in our precious black African nation education is deemed as the only solution as it is said to be"The key to success "its true to say that....the highway to success... but murram to failure. The future of this relied on the energetic boy 🤴kingmanze🤴aka (The poor Millionaire)

The suburbs education belonged to the intellectuals but artistic work belonged to the streets. Not only children would dance to the beats of the African drum but also get the opportunity to nurture themselves. Curvy girls would twist their fire waist to prove what their mama's gave them. The boys would do odi dance a famous break dance in the republic of Kenya.

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