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The night was a memorable one for Manik and Nandini. They got to know so much about each other , about likes , dislikes, friends,  family, work. Also they opened their hearts about their feelings for each other.

Nandini wakes up first only to blush early morning seeing their position and how could she miss the cute boy who looked much cuter sleeping. His hold was tight on her waist and she was struggling to come out carefully as she did not want to wake him up. She wanted to leave without anyone noticing them there. However, Manik woke up cribbing. He noticed Nandini looking at her blushingly and then he noticed their position. He did not mind but he did not want to make it awkward for Nandini and so he got up. Nandini got up too and to avoid more awkwardness she decided to leave when she heard Manik.

Manik: Friends are allowed to cuddle. She looked at him , smiled.

Nandini: Ofcourse. Well functions are starting from today. We have a puja today and some announcement from Mamma,Papa, Uncle Aunty.

Manik: Announcement?

Nandini: Yeah they said they want to talk to us about something. Go get ready.

Manik: HMM, umm Nandini only if u don't mind can u wear Red today?

Nandini: (smiled as she remembered its his fav color): I will

And she left.

Manik: What did I just do? Did I make her uncomfortable..NO but she smiled na. 

Nandini: Stop thinking and move MALHOTRA

Manik: haan haan 

And they went to freshen up.

Nandini wore her red dress while Manik was in a red kurta too.

Nandini wore her red dress while Manik was in a red kurta too

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Manik was just stunned seeing her, she will be his death some day

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Manik was just stunned seeing her, she will be his death some day.
Manik: U look gorgeous and he was still checking her out.
Nandini: ummm thankyou u too.
She noticed him staring,she coughed
They smiled as it was definitely not awkward.
They first went to their parents.

Nandini hugged her parents and NYONIKA,RAJ too.

Manik smiled seeing that. He greeted them too when they asked him to settle down.

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