Round 12: Nervous

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You gulped once more and gave Suna an apologizing smile. "You don't need to."

"He will." Kita said in a calm but demanding voice. "How long are your parents gone?"

"O-over night... My dad will be back in the morning." You answered sheepishly. Yes, you were scared.

"Allright. You'll spend the night at Sunas place."

"WHAT?!" Both of you yelled out. You couldn't believe what he just said.

Suna and you exchanged horrified stares before looking back at Kita.


-after practice-

"Well..." You huffed out at you looked at the tall, brown haired boy. It was hard to keep up your composure while your mind was on complete rampage. Out of your increasing nervousness you brought your hands behind your back to hide the fact that you started to press your nails into your palms, focusing on the small jolts of pain to calm yourself down.

It was a behaviour that evolved the past few months and you didn't care whether it was a good or bad habit.

Suna looked at you with his usual blank stare.

You gulped hard and averted your eyes.

Why do I feel so intimidated by him? This stupid heart won't calm down!

"D-do you have any plans for the evening?" Not much above a whisper, your voice carried your overwhelming insecurity and you flinched at the sound of it.

"Not so brave when the twins aren't around, I see?" He said in a mocking tone and your face went beet red.

"Th-that's not true!" You suddenly busted out. "I just don't feel comfortable when I know that you actually don't even want to be near me! I just tried to be nice and make it easier for you!"

Goddamn, this guy is so annoying!

In the meantime, you had put your hands in your hips and took in a rather challenging posture.

He rose a single eyebrow up and his eyes held an amused sparkle though his expression remained as stoic as ever. Only his eyes were telling about his emotions but you were too stressed with your own feelings to notice.

Your cheeks were flushed and slightly puffed out. Also your height wasn't doing anything good to make your appearance any more threatening. To be honest, to Suna you didn't look threatening at all.

He didn't say anything, he just pulled out his phone and held it up.


You got startled by that sound and your face changed immediately. "Wha-"

"Allright grumpy hamster, let's go."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" You yelled out and followed him with quick steps since he already had started to walk home. "Delete that!"


You growled at him.

I'm gonna beat his ass up someday!

Both of you were walking in silence, he smirking to himself and you pouting.

Within your silent ranting about the guy besides you, you scoffed multiple times which caused him to hold back his laughter. He was definitely occupied by his phone as he walked his usual path home.

Dangerous games {Suna x reader}Where stories live. Discover now