
22 1 24

We don't like 'em but we gotta have 'em


2. Please Fill Out A Form Before Moving On

3. If You Want To Tag Me Then Go Ahead

4. This Is Multi Fandomed So Request Any Fandom And If I Know It Then I'll Roleplay It!

5. AU's Are Allowed!!

6. You Do Not Have To Play My Crush (Most Of My OC's Are Asexual Anyway)

7. Before Joining Please Enter In The Password

8. Do Not Just Jump Into Someone's RP Chain! Ask That Person Before Jumping In!

9. You Have 3 Strikes, The First One Will Be A Warning, The Second One Will Be Me Asking You To Come Back The Next Day, The Third One Will Be A Deletion Of Our RP Chain

10. The Password Will Be Your Favorite Food

11. Please Say 'May I' Before Jumping Into A Scenario

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