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Author's pov

Next Morning

Heaven slowly opened her eyes and the first on whom her blurry gaze fell was her mother who was sitting beside her like a statue fixing her gaze on her.

"Heaven.... " She spoke bewildered watching her slowly opening her eyes.

"Are you right. ..?

Heaven blinked her eyes in order to cleared her dizzy vision and her chest felt a sting watching her mother's puffy and red eyes which were indicating how many tears she must have shedded the whole night.

Heaven's eyes turned teary watching her mother, she slowly got up and sat on her bed with the help of her mother and hugged her tightly as tightly as she could

"I.. I.. Am so sorry mum.. I hurted you last night.. I am sorry I am so bad.. " She retorted crying because she was feeling an extreme amount of guilt which was consuming her realising last night she pushed her mother's every limit and made her to bursted on her pain and made her recalled her painful past from which she always tried to protect her.

"I am sorry mum.. Please forgive me.. Please... "

Her mother hugged her back and closed her eyes while shredding her silent tears.. She slided her palm over her hairs and spoke.

"It's not your fault my baby.. Not at all, so don't feel guilty... "

"No mum.. I hurted you.. I.. I. Forced you.. To tell me all those things without even trying to understand you for once that how much pain you must have felt and suffered all alone these years.. I am so sorry. I... I. Am  worst daughter... " She chocked on her own tears making her mother to broke the hug and cupped her face.

"No my.. Baby.. Never say that you're the best daughter in the world.. " Her mother spoke while wiping her tears and than kissed her forehead.

"You're my Heaven, a beautiful blessing of my life.. That's why I named you Heaven because I know my daughter is just beautiful and pure hearted like an alluring holy Heaven..

she held the power of curing other's pain So she would never be worst ...never.. "

More tears fell from her eyes hearing her mother's words so she again hugged her tightly.

"I love you so much mum.. I love you so much... "

"I love you more my baby more than anything and anyone in this world.. " She replied patting her head..

Heaven broke the hug and wiped her mother's tears. And she kissed her forehead.

"I am the most blessed daughter in this entire world to have you as my mother.....mi amore. " ( my love)

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