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Have you ever felt like you badly wanted to fit in in a group at school, or in general be different and be born in a different family? Well I have for the past 15 years that i have lived in this earth, well at least not when I was a baby. I actually envy babies so much, they have no idea whats going on, they don't have any drama or rich spoiled brats at school and lastly, and most importantly, they don't know what's going to await them.

You must probably be wondering, who is this girl? And what on earth is she talking about? Im sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, I am Olivia Rose and I live in Manhattan.

As all people assume when they first here the words, "I live in Manhattan", you most likely are thinking that I live in such a beautiful place. Well, that's the upper east side, not were I live, in Brooklyn!

I mean I am very grateful for everything my mom and dad have done for me and my brother, and I most probably sound like a total brat for saying this, but, I absolutely hate not being rich, and I hate not being able to fit in at school just because of the thrifted shoes I wear, and the homemade, sewn cardigans I wear over my uniform.

My parents, Susan and Marc brown, have always wanted to send me and my older brother to a private school, they say that they wish for us to get the best education, even though they can't really afford it.

My mom, Susan, doesn't really have a stable job. When she ended high school she decided to take a few years off before going to college, but those few years easily turned into a few decades.

Her passion is art, and expressing her emotions through it. Our whole family thinks her art is one of a kind and breath taking, but in 20 years of trying to sell her paintings, she hasn't even sold one.
She has an art gallery near Brooklyn, that my dad helps her manage. We always try to make benefit nights or shows, but they never stand out or help her carrier at all.
After all my moms disappointments , she told us, after school had ended, that she would be going to Hudson for the summer to focus on her art. She told us that she would be back before the start of school in September.
It is now mid October and we haven't heard from her since. My dad has been freaking out, and I have no clue why he hasn't called her or texted her yet. Anyways I understand him, I would be totally freaking out to if my wife had left me, hadn't called me, and with my doubts of what she might be doing, and who she might be with.

My dad, Marc, has a great passion for music. His band was actually pretty famous before me and my older brother were born. It was called The Rolling Stones and it was a huge hit in 90s. My dad, had to give up his career when we were born, because he would rather take care of us than be a shitty dad. Now he doesn't really do much, all day he sits in the loft waiting for a call from mom, waiting for us to get home, and siting on his desk with his guitar waiting to get inspiration for his songs.

As you may have noticed both my mom and dad don't have the most stable jobs ever, actually, it seems to me like they don't even have jobs.

So how do they pay for me and my brothers  very, I mean very , expensive school you ask?

Well I have been asking this question myself for the longest time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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