Part 12*

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⚠️play this video/ song when you see 📍 to get a better feeling :) (btw this chapter is DIFFERENT)

Hi guys <3
Just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not posting so much! Have a lot of school things to do.
Have fun <3


"Tell him" Marc said and looked at me while I was putting my jacket back on. I turned to him and looked at him.

"Tell him what?" I asked and took the helmet.

"That you're in love with him!"

"I'm not in love" I said and watched as marc raised an eyebrow. "What?" I said and crossed my hands. The sun in the background and the wind that was blowing from north to south.

"I'm not gonna drive you home till you say that you're gonna tell him that" marc said and I got angry.

"Marc. Drive me home" I said and looked at him.


I don't know what was wrong with me but I just took the gun out of my trousers and pointed at him.

"Drive. Me. Home" I said and watched as he pulled his hands into the air.

"Y/n... Calm down. It was just a joke" He said and stepped back. I walked over to him but stopped as I saw that the motorcycle keys are on the motorcycle. I pulled the gun back into my trousers and ran to the motorcycle. I started it and without hesitating I drove off... Leaving marc behind.

I didn't knew where to go but I just drove. Going over 120km/h. Cars driving in front of me and people walking calmly on the side of the road. I used to ride motorcycle when I was 8. With liam.

I finally recognized where I was. I was only 5minutes away from Liam's house. I slowed down to 80km/h and drove relaxed. Didn't think about what consequences I'm gonna get because of Marc....

I drove to liam's driveway and parked the motorcycle. I was still on the motorcycle so I took the helmet off and got off of the bike. I took a deep breath and walked over to the doors like nothing happened.

"Hey" I said as I walked into Liam's house in my leather jacket and the helmet in my left hand. I turned around and closed the doors.

"Where were you?" Liam asked as I turned around to face him. I walked to the table and placed everything down.

"Driving" I said and smiled before I went into the kitchen. As I got into the kitchen I closed the doors and went to the kitchen table. I got onto my tipi toes and took a glass. I filled it with water and watched as the kitchen doors opened.

"Hello" Louis said and closed the doors behind him.

"Wow you're talking? That's new" I said and took a sip of my water but stopped as Louis walked over to me while looking at my hips. "Okey what are you up to" I said and laughed while I placed the glass of water to the side.

"Nothing " He said and placed his hands onto my hips. I was kinda confused, because Louis was a shy guy for me. Suddenly I felt how louis started to pull my shirt up.

"You on drugs or something like that?" I asked him.

"Nope, just wanna fuck you" he answered with a smirk. I just raised a eyebrow at him and was fucking CONFUSED!

"1st of all not in the kitchen 2nd....what?" I said and just made my way to the kitchen doors. As I opened them I looked to the sofa and saw betty in liam's lap. Harry was next to them....

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