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Who is your favorite LeafWing in the series?

Sundew = Oak

Willow = Pine

Belladonna = Willow (maybe a Willow 2.0)

Cobralily = Elm

Hawkthorn = Locust

Hemlock = Eucalyptus

Hazel = Rosewood

Sequoia = Crabapple

Nettle = Olive

Another/None = Tree

𝑬𝒚𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒓

What is your favorite food type?

Meat (chicken, fish, lamb, cow, pig ect.): Amber

Sweets (waffles, ice cream ect.): Dark amber

Fruits (bananas, orange, cucumbers, apples ect.): Dark green

Vegetables (tomato, carrots ect.): Orange

Everything/Other: Green

İ' m Oak the LeafWing! I hope you liked my amber eyes! Who are you, may i ask?

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