Jeff X Old Friend!Reader

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Can you do a jeff the killer x old best friend reader?~ @startaliakrystal

\\Y/N POV// 

It had been a year since the Woods Case. The night where Jeff and Liu disappeared and both of their parents were murdered, by who you're wondering? Well that would have been Jeff, he had always been a bit... eccentric. But of course I didn't mind it all that much but I never thought he would've gone that far... I mean sure I've seen him during his psychotic episodes and the time with the cat, but I never thought he'd go as far as to kill a human being.

You know what I'm going to stop sulking about a guy I know I'll never see again and go for a walk. I got up from my desk away from my unfinished homework and grabbed my jacket from the door handle as I left my room. I headed down stairs heading to the back door "I'm going for a walk!" I yell into the house but get no response from my parents or brother. I shrug to myself and walk outside, I close the door behind me and feel the warm summer breeze brush across my skin. I walk across our backyard and hop the fence that separates the house from the woods. 'Dad still needs to fix that fence. As if he actually will' I chuckle to myself knowing he's always so caught up with his graphic design work to do any outside work let alone come outside in the first place. I continue to walk through the thick forest recalling all of the memories I had here as a kid, and with Jeff and Lui... Just as I finished thinking about the past I heard a loud crack as if someone or something stepped on a twig. I stopped abruptly in my tracks I glanced over either of my shoulders expecting to see a deer or a fox but what I saw was definitely neither of those things. I saw a strange flash of white cloth shortly after, heavy footsteps came from the source of the white clothing. Impulsively yet dumbly I went after the strange figure, they were rather nimble too, jumping and swinging on the branches in their way. Unbeknownst to them I grew up in this forest and I could navigate it like it was the back of my hand. Eventually I noticed a root semi-hidden by some leaves fortunately the figure didn't notice it as they approached the root so I waited until I saw them trip and fall I quickly ran up to them to prevent them from running away. As they recover from the fall they turn around and face me their hood draped over their a good portion of their face so I can't make out a face. The figures body jerked like they realized something they took the hood off slowly until I could see their face properly.

I swear I felt my heart stop for a second as I realized who it was, my eyes widened in shock along with his "Ho-ly shit" I said out loud as a large crooked smile grew on my face, the figure I just happened to be chasing Jeffery Woods in the flesh! I pulled him up off the leaf and twig covered ground. A very short-lived silence was cut off by Jeff pulling me into a tight hug I didn't hesitate to hug him back "Dear god, I thought I lost you!" I say as I pull back to inspect his face the familiar scars on his face, I look up into his hazel colored eyes pulled my hands away from his face and gave him a firm smack on the side of his face

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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