Yuma x Jin (Yuma didn't join Border)

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Jin was having a rough time. Tamakoma-2 had made it onto the away mission, but under the condition that their captain stayed behind. The smaller branch fought tooth in nail, but in the end not even the S-rank power elite could do anything. Of course now HQ had an open slot on their ship to the Neighborhood, which led to Jin standing in a gray room out looking pure blackness and tiny stars.


"Jin." Kazama's calm voice through the speaker's. "We need you in control's." Jin bit back a sigh. 'Maybe I should have trained Four-Eyes myself." Jin regretted as he speed walked to the front of the large ship. 'Well too late for regrets now. Maybe I can get some fun out of this.'

Opening up a bag of rice crackers, he continued his walk to two large doors that slid open when Jin came to a hult. "Power Elite here!" Jin announced as he walked in, taking notice of the lack of people. Before him stood the captains of each A-rank squad, an Hyuse. Turning to Jin, Tachikawa waved. "Yo, sorry but we might have an issue."

"Oh?" Jin smiled. Reiji turned to Hyuse. "Mind explaining what you mean by 'Stopping at Calvaria could get us killed?'" This caught Jin by surprise. Maybe he should look into the future? Naw, that would be no fun.

Hyuse nodded. "Clavaria has been at war for about seven years now. Organaly, it was a war against invaders. Now it appears they have gotten drunk on victory, and are going after other countries. They're winning too."

"So Clavaria is at war. What's that have to do with us? Do they not have the supplies we need?" Kako questioned, crossing her arms. Hyuse shot her an annoyed look. "The problem is their trump card. It was recently revealed that his father is from Japan."

Everyone looked to Hyuse so fast Jin thought their head would fall off. Not that he was any different. Recovering himself, Jin asked; "And why would that be a problem? If his father is in the Neighborhood he's probably from Border." Hyuse shook his head. "No-one's seen the two together since the beginning of the war. They might not get along. And also;" Hyuse eyes became sharp. "The child of war probably would come after you even if he did like his father."

Arashiyama looked desturbed. "Child of war?" Hyuse nodded, a sour look on his face. "That's what we call him on Afto. He was the top candidate for the position as our god, but after the first attempt we understood that we were not dealing with a person." The room went silent.

"We don't have any other option. Clavaria is only a day away while anywhere else is two weeks at the least. Our supplies won't last that long." Miwa stated. Kazama nodded in agreement. "They're at war, they won't have the resources to deal with us. We will proceed as planned."

Jin turned to Hyuse. "Anything else we should know?" Hyuse scowled at being addressed by Jin, but responded nevertheless. "The child of war's trigger is black."


Jin crashed on his bed with a flop. Jeeze, this was becoming a real hassle, and Afto wasn't even close!

The room was silent, leaving Jin with just his thoughts. Most were revolving around this 'Child of war'. What was it like to be related to someone who probably grew up so differently from you? Jin knew that his own parents never had to fight with Neighbors, but at least they grew up on the same planet.

How many people had this person killed? Jin imagines it would be a lot, considering that the Child of War was the trump card.

"The Child of War is too long of a name." Jin spoke to himself, a grin forming. "Should I call him Cow? Yeah, Cow will work." Satisfied, Jin was tempted to use his side effect. But using his side effect could mean ruining the fun.....

Giving in, Jin used his side effect on himself.

Jin was sitting on a roof looking down on a mass of people,scanning for any danger. There were many people dressed in workers clothing, and a few soldiers in a purple uniform. In other words, things were looking pretty boring.

Groaning, Jin rolled his eyes to the sky. "Should have stayed in Japan." He grumbled under his breath. "Ah, so you are from Mieden. I saw the Border mark, but I wasn't sure." A male's voice came from behind him. Jin, startled, wiped his head around. Yet to his surprise, the sight he was met with wasn't unwelcomed. Standing before him was a boy with a rather short figure.

The boy had fluffy white hair and pale skin that had an odd, yet good, contrast with his dark clothing. His clothes consisted of a tight black long-sleeved crop top with purple markings, with matching leggings. So all in all, you could see the curves he was rocking. On his feet he wore black combat boots.

Other than the body figure, his eyes stuck out to Jin. He had piercing red eye's, resembling a red spider lily. Yet you could see a soldier reflecting on them.

So to sum it up, Jin was questioning his sexulaity.

Coming out of his side effect, Jin's face was roasting underneath a bright red blush. Who the hell was that?


Ok so maybe this mission could be better than Jin thought.

On Calvaira

Yuma was ready to quit. Just flat out quit. Quit this war, quit this place, quit this life. Just quit. Now, many would ask him, "But why? You have everything!", to which Yuma would send them through a wall.

Yuma had no father, no mother, no friends, no home, no life. The people that Yuma's father swore to help were a bunch of power hungry liars. Because of them, he was never able to mourn the one person who gave him reason. No, instead they lied to his face and made him a monster.

Yet Yuma can't leave.

If he left, like he did years ago, he would lose reason. Even if that wasn't a problem, where would he go? Meiden? Of cores not, Yuma saw for himself what they think of Neighbors.

Yeah. Yuma was ready to quit.

Border ship

As the ship came closer to touching the ground of Calvaira, Jin could feel the excitement pumping in his blood. What was going to happen next? He saw so many different futures, but every single one was out of his control. It was all based solely on the red eyed beauty.

Now dont get Jin wrong, he was not falling. No,no, Jin was the 

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