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I looked around, the world was blank, all I could see was the cloudy grey sky and the bare trees. There was no-one there to save me this time, it was just me alone standing there, lost.

I have no idea how to get back to the real world, back with my family, no fighting just a happy family. I don't know how I got here, how my life got so bad that it lead me to run away. I can still remember the days before my dad left us, I wish those days would come back.

But I am here now and I can't change my family, I can't bring back my dad. My family is poor, so I have to work every day, so my family can survive, which means I had to quit school.

Before I ran away my life was pretty messed up, my mum was so stressed out raising all three of us kids and working every day. Sometimes she would get so angry that she hit us until we bled. But I always knew she still loved us, she was just so stressed...

Last week my mum got sick, so she went to the doctors and was told she had not long left to live, the next night she died in hospital. After my little brother found out she had died he took his own life. I couldn't bare to be at their funeral today, so I ran away, leaving my younger sister at a friends house, she'll be better off there, she'll be looked after.

Now my mum, dad and little brother are gone, the only family I have left is my little sister Claire. All my aunties and uncles have already died, my cousins are gone too. All died because the were to poor to buy food or get medical care. So no-one will care that I'm gone. For the rest of my life I could just live out here, but I don't know what my future holds yet.

For now I am just lost in this world, wishing for a better life and hoping my sister is alright. One day the sun will come up and the world will be colourful but for now I am just, lost.

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