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An agreement had been made. 

All was allowed to stay as it was, they just weren't allowed to be seen in public together doing anything that may lead people to believe they were anything other than a little and a caregiver.

'Well, I guess it shouldn't be too hard.' Hoseok said with a sad smile as they all made it home late that evening after many, many discussions and arguments.

Jungkook sighed as he threw his bag down onto the floor by the sofa.
'Well no, but now it's making me feel self-conscious. Like what if I'm trying to act natural and someone picks up it's forced?' He sighed as he flopped onto a bean bag.

Yoongi rubbed his temples and hummed in thought.
'I think, you're overthinking it. Just carry on as you have been and all will be well. If she's little be there for her, if she's big just be careful like you have been here in Korea.'

Jimin smiled at Yn from across the room.
'Hey and don't worry. If it all goes wrong Yn is pretty fierce and scary anyway I think you got it cover-'
'Shut up Jimin.' Tae said through gritted teeth as he forced a grin at Yn as he locked Jimin in a headlock for running his mouth at a sensitive time. However, Jimin's plan worked. Yn smiled and the mood was lighter.

'Put em' up. Queensbury rules!' Jimin hollered playfully jumping from toe to toe with his fists up to Taehyung. 
'Jimin, please. Tae could fart and blow you away you bean pole of a man.' Jungkook teased with a grin and Jin burst into laughter. The evening went by smoothly after this. They ordered some food and all sat around the front room eating together with some comedy show on the TV in the background. 

Yn was the first one to fall asleep downstairs. She was propped up in the corner of the sofa, head lolling to the side, breathing deep with little murmurs sounding out every now and then. Jin looked up from his phone and could see Jungkook on the bean bag. He was looking at Yn with a pure look in his eyes.

'That kid sure has grown up.' He mumbled to himself as a small smile came onto Jungkook's face as he looked at the sleeping Yn. Eventually, the youngest stood up and walked over to Yn lifting her up and carrying her off to bed. She barely stirred at all. She was exhausted. 

Yn woke up the next morning little. Yesterday had been stressful and she didn't want to be big today. She sat up and looked at Jungkook.
'Papa?' She asked softly poking him. He grunted and stirred a little but didn't move. Yn frowned and tilted her head.
'Papa?' She asked again a little louder and he still didn't respond.
'This needs my help.' Yn said to herself as she slipped out of the bed and gently left the room. The door closing with a click behind her.

She stood on the landing and listened for a moment, there was noise coming from downstairs and she decided that was the best way to go.

Namjoon was downstairs making breakfast with Hoseok. One busy getting ingredients out of the fridge while the other was putting water in the kettle ready to boil. 

Hoseok whipped his gaze to Namjoon as he stood there with water spilling out of the kettle.
'That can't be a good noise coming from Yn...' Namjoon said glancing towards the door. Sure enough little Yn came skidding around the door a moment later.

'Good morning.' She beamed suddenly excited to see Papa Joonie and Papa Sunshine in the same room first thing. Namjoon opened his arms as she went running in, her eyes fixed on Hoseok as she grinned at him whilst she collided with Namjoons grip and he lifted her up.

'So what's with the police car noises?' Hoseok asked pulling out strawberries and chopping the tops off, placing them in a bowl ready for Yn.
'Oh they weren't police car wee-woos. Silly.' She smiled as she took the bowl Hoseok offered.

'...well what were they then?' Namjoon asked as he watched Yn pop a strawberry in her mouth.
'OH!' She gasped raising her arms slightly in her surprise. Hoseok sighed as he watched the strawberries plop onto the floor. She really was a messy little.
'Papa looks poorly!' She suddenly remembered and the two boys looked at each other before immediately going upstairs, Yn still firmly in Namjoons grip, Yeontan trotting at their feet.

Jungkook's Little 3 [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now