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Harry was sitting in class when it happened. It wasn't magical, not in the slightest. Harry happened to feel bored and turned his head to look out of the classroom window. There was no beam of light and no angel came floating down, it was just a notebook. Harry's eyes widened as he watched the black book fall from the sky and land onto the school lawn. Nothing magical ever happened in London, nothing in the slightest except the occasional sunlight which was considered a gift from the heavens.

"Mr. Styles, will you read this excerpt from Pride and Prejudice aloud?" the instructor calls out and all eyes are on Harry.

"Yes sir." Harry stands from his seat and begins to expertly read from the book, "There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and the little dependence that can be places on the appearance of merit or sense."

"Very good Mr. Styles, then again, that's what I would expect from the most intelligent student in the district." the teacher commends and Harry takes a seat.

The minutes tick past, until the bell finally rings. Harry stands abruptly from his seat and walks quickly to the door.

"Exams are next week, I'm expecting high scores Mr. Styles." the teacher smiles and Harry nods curtly.

He had to see that book, if it was still real. It was almost like it was calling out to him, he had to find it. Harry races outside, careful no to bump into anyone. He stumbles across the school lawn and spots the black notebook in seconds. Harry picks it up and turns it in his hands.

"Death Note." he reads the scrawled writing on the front of the book.

Harry then opens to book at looks at the other side of the cover.

"1. The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Harry reads quietly to himself, "Yeah right, this is just some childish prank, isn' it?"

Harry contemplates placing it back on the ground, but something keeps him holding onto it. Instead, he places the notebook in his bag and starts his route home.

'If this notebook is real, can I really....kill, people with it?', Harry wonders, 'No, that's not humanly possible, right?'

Harry turns into his walkway. His father's car isn't in the driveway, but his mother is always home, and so is his sister, usually. He unlocks his front door and his mother greets him right away.

"Hows my favorite son?" she beams and Harry rolls his eyes.

"I'm your only son." he scoffs and his mother laughs.

"All the more reason why you're my favorite!"

"Well, I really have to study for exams, please don't disturb me." Harry sighs and his mother nods.

"Of course Harold, you have to keep your grades up to get into that prestigious university of yours."

Harry doesn't respond, but instead pushes past his mother and makes his way up to his room, locking the door behind him. He throws his bag onto his bed, and the notebook slips out. Harry grips it in his hands, before carrying it to his desk and taking a seat.

"1. The human whose name is written in this note shall die." he reads aloud.

Harry gazes over the other rules that are listed:

2. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected

3. If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.

4. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

5. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Harry takes in a breath, this was an elaborate prank.

"This is for kids, only a fool would believe this notebook could kill." he sighs, but then curiosity strikes and he grabs a pen.

"Even if this is real, who would I kill?"

Harry's attention is drawn to the small television in his room. He turns it on and, like always, the news is playing.

"Jacob Yale has been holding these children and their instructors hostage for the past two hours. Police are here, trying to coax the man out of the building but to no prevail."

A photo of the accused man flashes across the screen.

"Jacob Yale..." Harry mumbles, and then writes the name of the man down in the notebook, while glancing at his photo.

Harry pushes up his sleeve and glances at his wrist watch, "I have to wait 40 seconds."

He begins to count the seconds in his head and sighs once it reaches the 40 second mark. It really was a prank, whoever's idea this was almost had Harry fooled. harry shakes his head and reaches over to turn the television off, but then the news reporter stops him in his place.

"The children and their teachers are escaping the building! It's a miracle! Police officers are storming into the building, do we know what happened?!"

Harry stares at the screen in shock, his eyes transfixed on the scene before him.

"I've been told that the man holding these people hostage suddenly collapsed! Everyone is safe and unharmed, it truly has been an amazing day for everyone!"

Harry gasps and backs away from the screen and notebook, trembling slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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