🖤𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑣 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡🖤

745 11 71

I had this shit written and ready to post
And I exited wattpad and closed the tab after saving everything
And it didn't fucking save

Sarv had been acting pretty distant lately...you didn't exactly know why either

She would snap at you randomly, or ignore you completely, then started insisting you don't need to visit her while she's at work, which you usually did to drop off her lunch and see how her day was going so far, she also started spending a lot more time with ruv

You didn't think much of it, maybe sarv was stressed, plus she's entitled to hang out with ruv, they are friends after all, and you don't want to be that type of controlling girlfriend either, so, while sarv was out at work, you got a bunch of her favorite snacks, her favorite movie and a bunch of blankets and pillows, setting up the sitting room for the movie, the forecast said it was gonna be stormy later..maybe sarv would be home early if that was the case,

You texted sarv an lil while later, and she didn't reply.....odd..but okay, maybe she was busy, but something in your gut said otherwise

You got a light jacket because it was kinda warm out and hadn't started raining yet, you pulled on your shoes and grabbed your phone and left, heading to the church, when you got there, you walked through the large ornate doors, the crystal-y marble like interior was dimly lit, it was pretty empty today too, an old man, a nun, and a girl with red hair who seemed to be waiting for someone were the only people in there..it was quiet and sarv only stayed if it was super busy, all the people there were part of the church already too, you approached the nun, the woman looking at you and smiling warmly, giving off a comforting aura

"Hello, do you need anything ma'am?" Her voice was welcoming, you smiled apologetically "I'm sorry, I'm looking for sarvente..the really tall girl?" At your description of sarv's height the nun smiles again, "oh, she's off today, a man with a Russian accent and loud voice came in earlier and they left together with talk of going to the park!" The nun replied casually, you tried to hide the obvious anxiety that was bubbling up in your stomach, this wasn't what it seemed like was it? You thanked the nun and got going to the park, anxiety prickling your skin as you thought about the situation, you texted sarv again...she saw it but didn't reply, so you texted ruv, yet again, seen but zero reply


You don't like jumping to conclusions but something about that didn't rub you up the right way, you shoved your phone into your pocket and rubbed your arms- it was getting colder, after a long few minutes you got to the park, just going for a casual stroll before looking for sarv, the walk was calming, this park in particular has a slightly wooded path that was actually really aesthetically pleasing, as you walk through this section of path, you listened to the birds chirping away, after you felt calm enough you looked for sarv

You scoured the whole park before finding sarv and ruv sitting together on a bench, they were..talking, not.....too out of the ordinary right? That's when ruv leaned into sarvente..and kissed her, and she kissed back.... You watched in mild horror as ruv pulled away, casually throwing his arm over sarv's shoulder, you got your phone from your pocket, and opened up you and sarvente's message chat, texting her and asking her to call you, because it was urgent

Sarvente's phone dinged and she took it out of her pocket, another message from y/n, ruv looked at her and raised a brow,

"Is she still texting you? Ignore her"
"But I'll feel bad if I do- she said it was urgent"
"Well, your not her girlfriend are you? That relationship with her is out of pity is it not"
"I....i mean..I'll just call her- it must be some semblance of  important right?"

Ruv gave a 'fine do whatever' shrug, and sarvente called you, you turned up your ringtone notification volume, gripping your phone so tightly your knuckles were turning white

When sarv heard the ringtone that you used specifically for her, she whipped around and noticed you, her eyes going wide, ruv however stayed as neutral as always

You felt tears pricking the backs of your eyes, your breathing catching slightly, Sarvente quickly stood up and took  few steps towards you, "y-y/n it isn't what it looks like dear-" Sarv stuttered out, trying to justify it, you just glared up at her, you were shorter than her but the look you gave her made the taller girl cower away, ruv looked at you, his face showing no sign of what his emotions are, sarvente took another few steps towards you and grabbed your hand, you just pulled it away and took a step back, and befitting to the situation it started to rain, "don't 'dear' me sarvente! You acting distant, snapping at me- insisting that I don't even have to bring you damn lunch anymore! It's all because you were cheating doesn't it!" Tears started streaming down your face, the rain drenching your clothes through

Sarv noticed you were crying- it broke her heart to see you so upset, despite what she's told ruv she did love you, quite a bit actually, she walked towards you again and pulled you into a hug, you had to fight the urge not to hug her back, to tell her it was fine and that you weren't mad, because you wanted this relationship, but sarv obviously didn't seem to

You shoved her away, she fell back onto the ground, looking up at you, a very pissed off, upset look was on your face, it sent shivers down sarv's spine..she hadn't ever seen you so annoyed, at her specifically

"I'm going home, packing my shit and leaving, after this I don't want you to fucking talk to me again. Either of you's" You said the last part with particular venom, mostly directed at ruv too, you stormed off, the rain continuing to pelt down on you, once you were a safe distance away you crumpled, your breathing catching and your eyes honestly burning from the tears, how had you not noticed? Were you that desperate for her love that you disregarded the signs?

You didn't think it was your fault...at least, not completely

You got to the apartment and flung the door open, slamming it shut behind you, not bothering to take off your muddy shoes, you went into the bedroom and got everything that you owned, apart from things that were gifts from sarvente, and you chucked them into an old backpack, you went around the room doing that with the rest of your stuff, muttering stuff under your breath, nearly an hour later when you were gathering the rest of your belongings from the bathroom, such as toiletries, you heard the apartment door ease open

"y-y/n...?" Sarv called out into the apartment, you completely ignored her, listening as the door shut and she walked into the living room area, pausing, she had probably seen the stuff you set out, she went to the bedroom, and probably noticed the fact all your stuff was missing from there, then she exited back out to the kitchen, probably to catch you on the way out if you hadn't already left

You just stayed quiet before doing one last sweep, you had everything you owned, everything you needed, and you had called your mother (or someone else, depending on who you want it to be-) and you had asked to be able to stay there for a bit, of course she agreed and asked why, you didn't divulge any details as to why and you just said you'd explain later when you got there

You zipped the bag shut and went to give sarvente back your apartment key, she was sitting at the kitchen table her head rested on her arms, you slammed the key down in front of her and turned to leave, being stopped by her grabbing your hand

"y/n-" You quickly cut her off, "I don't want to hear it sarvente" You pulled your hand away and went to the door, sarvente quickly hugging you from behind to stop you, "y/n please- please stay.." You almost wanted to slap her, then yourself, she cheated and now she wants you to stay? You may be naive but you weren't stupid!

You just pushed her away and opened the door, before leaving, it was still raining and new tears were already running down your face

Sarv just stood in the door, watching you leave, she held onto her skirt so tightly her knuckles were turning white, 'I really fucked up now...didn't i"

I wrote most of this at four in the morning
I'm not particularly bothered in doing a spell-check either because I'm still annoyed about having to re-write this shit

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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