An Introduction to the History of Animal Testing.

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        Believe it or not, animal testing goes back a long, long time. In fact, according to The Humane Society, the most trackable and modern version of animal testing began when the FDA signed a requirement that some cosmetics be tested on animals in 1938. The FDA urged every company to do so. But the very first person to conduct testing on animals (according to was Aristotle, a Greek Physician in 322-384 B.C. Keep in mind that, just because it was invented by a physician, doesn't mean it is credible. Physicians back in the B.C. times were nowhere near as knowledgable as doctors today. They often treated illnesses with 'magic' and herbal remedies, with no modern medicine (obviously). Back then, they tested animals alive, just like they do today. No sedation, even though testing with sedation would still be cruel. 

        Today, many popular companies still test on animals. Many companies intentionally mislead consumers,  like Clean and Clear, who, on their website state: "The fact is, Clean & Clear® doesn't conduct animal testing of our cosmetic products anywhere in the world, except in the rare situation where governments or laws require it." Notice the "except" and the "where governments or laws require it" This is a way for companies to trick YOU as a consumer, into believing that they don't test on animals. They think that if they start with "we do not test on animals", you will not read the fine print or go searching for more. They think this is enough for you. So many companies fool you in these ways, so, for reliable statements, try websites dedicated to animal testing prevention, like and Both of these websites want to help you find the best, affordable CF products.

        Modern testing methods include injections into the eyes of the testing subjects, (which is the purpose these animals have been reduced to, testing subjects, not living beings.) which often causes permanent blindness, and many companies drop lethal chemicals into the eyes of the animals. They are burned, stapled, and live their whole, painful, sad life in a way that no animals are meant to live: in cramped, unsanitary cages, susceptible to infections and facing extreme pain. If you search with the keywords: ''animal testing'', you will find many disturbing and graphic pictures, the top pictures including rabbits being injected with painful chemicals, rabbits in cages, burnt, in pain, and miserable, and monkeys and dogs in cramped, tight, unhygienic cages. So when you are on the lookout for products, consider downloading the app Cruelty-Cutter on Google Play or the App Store. With just a click, you can dive into hundreds of cruelty free and Leaping Bunny certified brands. *I am not sponsored by this brand, I just wanted to share a helpful tip to maximize a cruelty free shopping outlet*

         You would think, with all the other alternatives out there, society would have advanced enough by now to stop using this old, ineffective, cruel method of testing. But of course, companies place their money over the worth of animal's lives. 

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