Belief, Death and How to Live

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I don't think God provides meaning to life. Life from an evolutionary perspective is being alive and reproducing - not poetic, I know. Nowadays, people informally say we must 'do something' with our lives (during our life), which is vague. I agree with what Hank Green said about how their is confusion surrounding doing something of value, as we all value different things. I also agree with what John Green said about choice, we do not have to do only one thing for our entire life. Therefore, we can find our own meaning to life, and the existence of God does not provide the only meaning for life. I can lead a good and valueable life without God's existence. I don't need the FEAR of divine punishment to be a good person. I don't think people need a higher power in order to appreciate life. I have done so many things in my life without relying on God to get me through.

If God does exists, I would like to ask:

Wouldn't God be supremely good and all-loving (benevolent) if he protected those actually in need and then only afterwards focus on people's wants?

Wouldn't  God - supposedly omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful) -  have stopped all of the extremely violent religious wars, fought in his name, from happening at all? He would know that needless death is wrong, especially if people care fighting over HIM, and would due powerful enough to stop us, wouldn't he? There were 8 wars of religion in France in the 16th century and more in the 17th. These wars were fought by the Catholics and Huguenots (Protestants); this was when Protestantism was relatively new.

1) March 1562 - March 1563

2) August 1567 - March 1568

3) Januray 1569 - August 1570

4) September 1572 - July 1573

5) September 1575 - May 1576

6) February - October 1577

7) February - November 1580

8) 1586-1598

Note: This period actually was always on the brink of war and peace over religion. Both of these religions are under Christianity, I don't understand how such similar religions can cause so much aggression. Why did people have to die because of this aggression?

This was just in France! I am not blaming the french. Many other countries had (some more recently had) and still today have problems like these. It is disapointing to know we still have these problems today. For example, the violence in Northern Ireland, again Catholics and Protestants (except this time it was the Catholics getting picked on, in simple terms), only a few decades ago.

Descartes - I will be referring to Descartes' "Meditations of First Philosophy', so if you haven't read I would recommend it, its enlightening even if you disagree with some of the things he says. This was one of the ways in which I opened my mind to develop my thoughts on this topic.

Is Descarts just conforming?

Meaning: Is Descartes just pretending to believe in the existence of God to please the contemporary thelogians?

Note: Before writing Meditations, Descartes decided not to publish a book he wrote about the Earth orbiting the Sun when theologians previously condemned Galileo for supporting this idea (which was originally proposed by Copernicus). Therefore, he allowed the powerful theologians to alter his actions before, this may have happened again.

Digression - Was Descartes cherry-picking theories he liked? For example, he appeared to believe in God, yet he believed that the Earth orbits the sun unlike the theologians? It annoys me when people these days cherry-pick certain things to believe (this is a logical fallacy), for example, people who do not believe in evolution, yet believe other scientific theories.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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