Chapter 1: Winged Heroes. A Journey Begins.

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Heroes... what are heroes you ask? They're the ones who stand up for those who cannot stand. They are the ones who stand for peace and justice. There are many heroes, I'm sure you've heard of them all. But I have a story of heroes, who have wings!
This is where the story begins.

Nine heroes fell through portals and met one another. They became allies, friends, and then one day... Family.
As they traveled through both unfamiliar and familiar lands, they discovered how much they had to learn about themselves and the world around them.

Twilight's POV

I flapped my wings to gain a higher altitude and soared above the forest. No one seemed to know where we were. Then again, most of us had gotten separated. I was with Wind and Wild. I'm hoping everyone ended up with each other. I don't want anyone by themselves.

I didn't recognize any of the landmarks. But I did see a way out of the forest. I turned around and went back to the clearing. I flapped my wings as I landed, so I wouldn't crash into the bushes.

"Nothing looks familiar, but I did see a  way out. We can fly above the trees or walk. It depends on Wild's wings." Wild stretched out his wings and flapped them.

"I can fly for a bit, but not for long. My wings are a bit sore." Wild's wings have been damaged while protecting his Princess. They were badly burned but the shrine thingy fixed it enough to where he could fly. But he would sometimes get phantom pains.

"We just need to take it easy then," Wind chirped and flapped his wings excitedly.

"Alright, little seagull. Let's go!" I crouched a bit before using my wings to launch myself into the air.

Wild's POV

I sucked in a deep breath as I flew above the forest. It was beautiful up here. The wind was doing loops in the air cheering happily. I smiled at his antics. I wish I could do that without it hurting me. My smile fell from my face at the thought.

"Hey, Wild! Watch this!" My head snapped towards Wind. He was higher up in the higher than Twilight and I.

Wind sucked in a deep breath before tucking his wings so he could dive. He was pretty fast actually.
He opened his wings last-minute soared past us. I felt pride swell in my chest. He's trying to copy my diving!

"Did I do it right? Did I?" He asked excitedly as he came back.

"That was amazing for your first try!" I grinned like a madman.

"Just don't give me a heart attack next time please," Twilight swiped at his forehead.

"You almost hit three trees before you slowed down." He gently scolded. He smiled to soften his words.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful next time."
The wind gave us a sheepish grin before doing large loops around us.

We traveled for what felt like hours before we finally spied the others setting up camp by a cave. We slowed down and touched down. When I landed I felt my wings spasm and pain shot through them.

"Owwwww," I whined and stretched my wings to ease the kinks out of them. Hyrule frowned before walking over.

"Lemme see your wings, mate." He examined them closely.

"Ouch!" I yelped when he pressed on them.

"You overworked them again, mate." Hyrule scolded me. I winced at his tone before sitting by the fire. I kept my wings outstretched to keep them from cramping on me.

I pulled out my slate and leafed through it until I found white chuchu jelly. I got them out, planning to crushed them on my wings to ease the pain. Until Wind snatched them from me.

"Let me help! How do I use these and holy smokes these are freezing!"  Wind yelped as he bounced them hand to hand.

"Just crushed them above my wings and let the mist fall on them," I instructed him. Wind zipped behind me and crushed the jellies. I sighed with relief as the cool mist landed on my sore wing muscles.

Wind's POV

I had noticed Wild smiling earlier but he stopped and frowned for some reason while we were flying over here. I scrambled to think of something to cheer up our cook. And the first thought that sprang to my mind was... to show him my new diving skills!

I know how to dive, I mean I kinda needed to when I go fishing. But when I saw Wild dive and attack a monster at the same time, I knew I needed to learn how to do that. I had been practicing in secret and now was the perfect time to show it off.

Flew up high and made sure he was watching. When I finished showing Wild and Twilight my new dive... the look on Wild's face was worth every bump and scrape I got from training. The look of wonder and pride. It was worth it.

Snapping back to the present,                I watched as Wild sagged with relief as the mist fell onto his wings. I flapped my hands as some of the mist touched my hands. I rubbed them on my shirt to get it off. Thankfully it worked.

"We're just waiting for Time and Warriors to come back from patrol." Sky explained to us. His red and white wings were neatly tucked behind his back. Sky disliked flying in forests because his wings were massive, making it quite difficult for him to maneuver safely.

I glanced around noticed Four sleeping. I wandered over feeling sleepy and curled up beside him. He stirred and blinked before wrapped the blanket around the both of us.

Stranger's POV

Dark magic causes ripples. I can feel those ripples tear through dimensions into my land. By the time I arrived the perpetrator was gone. There were only confused travelers. I kept my distance and kept an eye on them.

They aren't normal travelers. They are warriors in their own right. I can tell without fighting them. I want to help them, but I fear I will cause more harm than good. I will wait until they come to visit the queen.

I unfolded my wings and took the night sky. I flew over their camp briefly before flying to the castle. It wouldn't take me long with my powerful wings. The wind blew my silver hair back and I smiled at the beautiful moon.

I flew through my open window and landed softly on my feet. I was careful to quietly close the windows. My gaze drifted to the bed to see my little girl sleeping in my wife's arms.

"How are you feeling, dear?" I murmured as I approached her. She had given birth to our daughter just 3 days ago.

"Tired. Will you hold while I take a bath?" Her violet eyes were dull with exhaustion.

"Of course." I gently took Anna from Ora's arms. I kissed Ora's blonde head before she left. I gently put her down before changing out of my tunic. I gently laid Anna on my chest by heart.
Her little wings were fragile and fuzzy. Her wings were like mine but not an albino.

I hummed a lullaby to keep her asleep. She whined before settling down.


I gently placed Anna in her cradle as my wife slipped in the comforter. I went to bed and held her close.

"I missed you, Link." She burrowed her head in my chest.

"I missed you too, my little goddess," I murmured before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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