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"fuck." i whispered as i stared at the empty streets of japan. i walked around endless corners, turning my head frantically as i searched for any kind of life.

stopping midway at a large intersection, one of the buildings lit up.
"THIS WAY TO THE "GAME"." it read. i was hesitant to walk the way the sign pointed but all i wanted was to see a human.

it had been days since everyone disappeared from japan. i cried in my room for days, thinking maybe someone would save me. obviously that didn't work so i decided to get up, packing a backpack with the things i thought i would need and off i was.

walking to the local coffee shop i loved, the lights flashed bright, stating that this is where the "game" would be held.

i hesitated to walk into the coffee shop i once loved. either way i didn't think i had a choice. i walked in, my boots making loud stomping noises against the hard floor. i looked around at the few people around me. there were 4 others, 2 high school girls, a older man who had his work name tag on, as well as a boy with longer white hair, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

he sent a smirk my way as i picked up a phone from the table reading "1 PER PERSON". it logged my face into the system as it took me to a white page with text. a younger woman started to speak on every players phone.


     the voice stopped as a timer started. i slowly realized what kind of "game" this was, no wonder everyone went missing, half of japan is probably with those damn gods right now.

     i looked up from the phone as i stared at the players, all of them talking with one another. blocking out any noise from the other players, i observed them slowly.

     starting with the boy with white hair, he seemed extremely calm, i could tell this wasn't his first game and he wasn't the correct player.
"and what's your name pretty lady?" the older man smirked. "y/n." i smiled as i observed him, he wasn't nervous looking but he definitely didn't want to be here.

one of the high school girls was shaking insanely bad, the other calm as ever. definitely wasn't their first game either, but the red haired girl was definitely this "correct player".

"hey red head." i blurted out. the younger girl looked over at me, her hands shaking more than before. "you're really obvious." i laughed as she cried, pleading for her life. "i'm sorry please don't kill me! i got dragged into this please!" she cried.

i picked up the gun that laid on the table as i put it against her head. "3 minutes left." the robotic voice spoke again. my hands shook as i placed my hand on the trigger, looking away from the girl. "i'm sorry." i said before the loud gunshot could be heard for miles.

dropping the gun on the floor as i sighed, the robotic voice spoke again. "CONGRATULATIONS, GAME COMPLETE."
my breath hitched, i just killed someone. my hands shook as i held the phone, barley being able to read it.

mr. blondie walked over to me, holding my shaking hands in place. "you can't read it if you can't even see it." he smirked as i read the text displayed on the phone. "5 days remaining on player #110567's visa."

"the fuck is that supposed to mean?" i gave a glare to the boy beside me. "first game huh?" he laughed. "names chishiya, that means you have 5 days to live before they shoot your head with a laser." he stuck his hand out for me to shake, accepting his greeting, i shook his hand, giving him a very confused expression. "what?" i questioned. "like i said, you'll die in 5 days unless you play another game, find out for yourself or play another game, simple." he shrugged as he walked off, heading to god knows where. i gave him a dirty glare from behind his back.

chishiya pov.

walking back trough the main entrance of "the beach" i walked to the meeting room to find hatter. i walked in, seeing everyone inside.
everyone turned their heads to me, niragi sending a annoying glare my way.
"hatter, y/n has been found."

meet again / niragi/ dori sakuradaWhere stories live. Discover now