A Promise [Part 2] [Manga Spoilers]

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Did you mean it...?


You wanted to know more about me...?



I promise,

I'll tell you everything one day.


Stay my assistant until then, okay?


Hanako was looking at his pinky finger, the one he used to make a promise with Yashiro.

A bucket of flashbacks went through his mind.

That day Yashiro knocked on his door.

And that day she called him a friend.

And that very moment he fell inlove with her.

"But now...." Hanako mumbles,

"I guess..."

"I was stupid to fall for her."

Hanako started sobbing, when a soft but somehow terrifying and familiar voice called out to him.

"No... I would've fell for her too if I were in your situation."

Hanako looked up, to see a pale blonde haired boy.

It was Teru Minamoto. The eldest son from the Minamoto Clan. If you didn't know, The Minamoto Clan is a clan of exorcists.

Hanako quickly stood up, and pulled his knife out.

"What do you n-need?" Hanako asks in a terrified but threatening voice.

Teru just stared coldly at Hanako.

"Please, not now! I-I just want to find Yashiro. Then you can exorcise me." Hanako pleads.

Teru just let out a laugh.

"I'm not here to exorcise you. A friend of yours wanted to visit." Teru explains, as he looked behind him.

Behind Teru was a sad Kou.

"Kid..." Hanako put his guard down.

"I'll leave now." Teru walked away.

"I liked her too, y'know." Kou tried to cheer up Hanako.

"Yeah..." Hanako sat back down on the floor.

"We're never gonna find her if you'll just sulk all day." Kou looks at Hanako, then stretched his hand out.

Hanako stared at Kou wide eyed.

Then took his hand.

"Alright." Hanako gives out a faint smile, while Kou gave his biggest and enthusiastic smile.
"For Senpai!" Kou yelled as he raised his arm up.

"Yeah! For Yashiro!" Hanako also raised his arm up.

And the two - filled with hope - started the mission to find Yashiro.

(I feel bad for the two, they know nothing about Yashiro's unfinished business 😭)


The end of the day came, Kou promised to look for Yashiro outside the school.

"You have two days, kid." Hanako reminded Kou.

"Two days to search for senpai, got it."

"Since it's saturday tomorrow, I'll check the whole city. I promise!" Then Kou waves goodbye to Hanako.

Hanako was relieved to know Kou was into finding Yashiro. But...

He still didn't feel at ease.

"You don't think she's hiding from you, do you?" A voice calls out.

A terrifying familiar voice.

"Tsu... K-Kasa...?" Hanako turns around to see his brother swinging on the swings of the playground.

Tsukasa turns his head towards his brother. "Hello, Amane!" Tsukasa waves his hand rapidly while greeting Amane.

Tsukasa got up and ran to Amane.

"How long has it been?!!" Tsukasa exclaims cheerfully.

"Tsu-Tsukasa! Wha... What are you doing?!" Hanako tightened his grip on his knife.

"Geez... Can't I greet my brother?" Tsukasa complains.

"Amane~ I'll help you find her, don't worry! Just...

Make a wish..."

And with that, Tsukasa disappeared.

Hanako was glued to the floor he couldn't move a single inch of his body.

'M-Make a wish...?'

Hanako knew his brother's wish granting price was never pretty, so he gave up on the idea and tried to forget what happened.

But his mind somehow told him,

Tsukasa's going to help you nevertheless, in the most gruesome way possible...

Hanako decided to shrug it off, but he felt uneasy.

I just have to put my guard up and keep an eye on him.

Then Tsukasa won't be able to do any funny stuff.

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