Hello, You are ? part 2

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Uncle Jove had told me about her. Morrigan Crow was a wundersmith smuggled in from the republic and was 'cursed' the sad thing is she believes that and through all the wunder surrounding her I could see anxiety floating all around her head. And it's absolutely horrible. As I search for Uncle Jove to tell him what happened I ended up outside his study and I knock hurriedly and wait for him to say 'come in' and as he does I run inside mad at the world she had grown up in, who had taught her such horrible lies. "Jack are you okay, What's wrong and where's Morrigan ?" Jupiter asked slightly concerned at my rushed state. "No I am not okay, not at all, a ton of stuff is wrong and Morrigan has gone to her room crying." I said as I sat down and took in a deep breath and let it out. "She's in her room crying!" "Jack what happened why aren't you okay and what's going on ?" Jupiter asked sitting down beside me on the sofa. I blew out another breath and started telling him what happened and got to the part where she had told him that she would love to hang out with him but she was ' cursed' and therefore I wouldn't want to be friend's with her. "But Uncle Jove she's not a curse the stupid republic has drilled those lies into her head and beneath the wunder I could see the anxiety, lots of it floating around her head that's not normal. Especially at her age and especially that much anxiety." Jack finished in a worried tone.


Jack just finished telling me about his interaction with Morrigan and voicing his concern to me .  Heck what had gone through her head to think all those things. I sigh and blow a long breath out I know I'm going to have to talk to her. Okay first Jack then Morrigan. "Jack bud thanks for telling me ok but I am going to try and talk her in a few minutes so how about you go to bed okay ? You can go read or chill in the smoking parlour but just go clear your head ok ?" "Alright Uncle Jove I love you and have a goodnight." Jack says as he gets up gives me a hug and leaves me study. Okay just me and my thoughts. Jack's sorted out so now Mog. I sit down and try to think of what to say for at least a whole minute but get nothing. Great. Plan 'b' improvise speak the truth and from the heart. Simple enough. I getup and leave my study walking towards her room. I finally reach the outside of room 85 and I lift my hand to knock on the door....


There was a knock on the door. "Mog? It's me Jupiter I just want to talk can I come in please ?" Jupiter called out through the door. "Come in." Morrigan replied as Jupiter walked in shutting the door behind him. "Mog we need to talk ok, Here goes, your not a curse, people want to be your friend and no one is afraid of you and no one is gonna hurt you I'll make sure of it alright Jack would love to be friend and so do I okay there's also Fenstra who loves you and the point is Mog your not a curse on anyone or anything believe  me I know." Jupiter finished as he crouched down to her eye level as Morrigan said "Your sure ? No-ones afraid of me ?" Morrigan whisperd with tears in her eyes. "Absolutely sure that no-one is afraid of you Mog." Jupiter replied as Morrigan  threw her arms around his neck and cried softly and she started to fall asleep Safe in the arms of her patron who loved her the most in the world.

How's that for part two ? I struggled finishing Morrigan's pov and it's taken me a while i would absolutely love any refutes and i have an idea about the charlton 5 but we will see. HAVE A GREAT DAY BEST WISHES TO THE WORLD 🌎 😀😌😊

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