Chapter 1 - Meeting Zhang Junyi

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey (Y/n) wake up! You don't want to be late on your first day of school."-mom

I open my eyes and rub it.

"Ok mom I'm up!"-me

I get up from my bed. My mother get out of my room. I get my towel and go to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath, I change into my uniform and get out of my room to eat breakfast. When I'm done eating breakfast, I brushed my teeth and go to school.

>>At the school<<

When I arrive at the school, I feel kinda nervous. I am just new here and I don't know anyone here. Everyone is looking at me like I did something wrong. Is it because I'm a nerd? Yeah I forgot to tell y'all readers that I'm a nerd. Everyone hates me for being a nerd but I don't care. I'm just here to study, get a good grades and graduate senior. While I was walking, everyone is gossiping about me.

"Is that the new student? I thought she was cool. I didn't know she was a nerd."-girl

"Yeah, she look so ugly. I'm sure everyone will bully her."-girl 2

"Hey man! Look! A new target!"-boy 1

"Yes we have a new target HAHAHAHA."-boy 2

"I'm sure if BOYSTORY find out that we have a transfer student here and plus it's a nerd, they will also target her. Duh BOYSTORY doesn't like nerds."-girl 3

BOYSTORY? Target me? Doesn't like nerds? I don't know who they are but I totally don't care. While I am walking, I stepped into a skateboard. I started screaming, I close my eyes and waiting for my body to fall on the floor. I felt a two pair of arms catch me. I open my eyes and I saw a handsome guy staring into my eyes. He's holding me so I can't fall into the floor. His face is so close to my face.

"Hey Ms. are you ok?"-boy

I slowly nodded and stand straight.

"Thank you for saving me."-me

"You're welcome! I'm Zhang Junyi! What's your name?"-Junyi

"I-I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!"-me

He smiled. Gosh this Junyi guy is so handsome. But I'm not here to look for handsome boys. I'm here to study.

"Uhm are you new here? I've never seen you before."-Junyi

"Yes I'm new here and I'm heading to the principal's office now."-me

"Oh! Can I come with you? I just want to make sure that you're safe. It looks like the students are targeting you. It's more better if you have someone to accompany you."-Junyi

"Ok sure!"-me

I smiled. Me and Junyi started heading to the principal's office. When we arrived there, I thanked him. (Plays Sailor Moon - Dumpling Head #2)

"Thanks for accompanying me Junyi."-me

"You're welcome! If you need anything here's my number and my class number and section."-Junyi

Junyi gave me a piece of paper with his number, class number, and his section.

"Thank you!"-me

"You're welcome! Bye! See you around and nice to meet you."-Junyi

And then he smiled and walk away. A smile form on my lips when he's out of my sight. Guess my first day wasn't that bad.


Oh hey yow new story. What do you think of the first chapter? Do you guys like it? Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me thanky. Anyways here's the song I've used.

Sailor Moon - Dumpling Head #2


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