Chapter 6 - Mingrui vs. Enshuo?

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>>The next day<<

(Y/n)'s POV

*ring ring ring*

My alarm clock is ringing. I turn it off and get up in bed. It's my 2nd day of school. I don't want to go to school today because I'm sure the 3 boys who bullied me yesterday will find me and probably beat me up. I go to the bathroom and do all my morning routine. After doing all of my morning routine, I get my lunch and bid my mother good bye. I'm not going to eat breakfast now because I don't want to be late for my second day. While I am walking, I heard a voice calling me from behind.

"(Y/n) jie!"-unknown

I turn around and saw Enshuo running towards my direction.

"Oh hey ShuoShuo!"-me

"You going to school now?"-Enshuo


"Let's go together now jie."-Enshuo

"Oh sure ShuoShuo!"-me

Then me and Enshuo walked to the school.

"So jie, where do you live right now?"-Enshuo

"I'm currently living in (insert your address). It's far from our school."-me

"Oh! By the way jie, can you sit with me and my friends later at lunch?"-Enshuo

"Is it ok?"-me

"Yes jie! If you're worrying that they will make fun of you, don't worry because they are all nice. And besides, I'm here to protect you and defend you if someone bullied or make fun of you. Even if it's my friends I won't hesitate to defend you from them."-Enshuo

I smile at him and hug him.

"Thank you ShuoShuo!"-me

He hug me back and I can feel that he's smiling. I pull away from our hug.

"Come on let's go to school now."-me

After a few minutes of us walking, we arrived at the school.

"You know jie I am the smartest on my class."-Enshuo

"Wow really ShuoShuo? That's nice!"-me

"Yes, I remember you keep saying to me that I should study harder when we are young. So I can help my parents one day."-Enshuo

"Yes that's true!"-me

"That's why I'm studying harder for my parents and for you."-Enshuo

"Oh really Enshuo?"-unknown

We turn around at the owner of that voice. And we saw the boy that I saw yesterday. He's one of the guys that save me from that bully yesterday.

"What do you want Mingrui?"-Enshuo

"Oh nothing, I just want to walk your friend around the school and give her a tour."-Mingrui

"Nah I'll walk her and tour her around later after school."-Enshuo

"Hey (Y/n)! You owe me one from yesterday. I am the one of the boys who saved you yesterday if you don't remember."-Mingrui

Did he just call me (Y/n)? Wow what a bastard he just call me (Y/n) as if he's the same age as me or older than me. But yeah since I owe him one for saving me yesterday I should come with him.

"Uhm ShuoShuo it's fine. Mingrui can walk me and give me a tour on the school."-me

"Are you sure jie?"-Enshuo

I nodded and smile.

"Let's go now newbie."-Mingrui

Mingrui hold my hand which is I'm surprised. But before we can walk away. Enshuo hold my hand which made Mingrui and Enshuo look eye to eye and glaring at each other. We are just standing there and both guys are glaring at each other's eyes while me I'm akwardly watching them. I decided to break the silence.

"What is it ShuoShuo? Do you have something to say?"-me

Enshuo snapped and look at me then smile.

"Uh yes jie hehehe. You're still going to eat lunch with me later and my friends right?"-Enshuo

"Of course! Wait for me on the cafeteria later ok?"-me

"Ok jie and also..."-Enshuo

He glared at Mingrui one more time.

"Be careful."-Enshuo

I nodded.

"Are you done talking to her huh?! We need to go now."-Mingruu

Enshuo look at Mingrui one last time and glared at him. Mingrui rolled his eyes and pull me away from him and started walking away. I look back at Enshuo and he is just looking at us while we're walking away.


Ok that's all for chapter 6. Thanky for reading! Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me. Thanky! 💙


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