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As the days passed in a deceiving state of normalcy, she became more uneasy. A puppet being controlled by the master even from a distance. She stopped going to the studio late at night and avoided quiet areas. The fear was like a worn jacket, a constant weight burdening her shoulders.

Even though nearly a week had elapsed without trouble, Min knew she had poked a sleeping bear. A wicked wind howled overhead, rustling in the treetops on the side of the paved path that would guide her back to her apartment from Judes, the dance center.

Every shadow in her peripheral looked too human. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She pulled her father's leather jacket closer, attempting to brush off the paranoia and failing miserably.

Despite the soreness pestering the arches of her feet, she did not dare stop at one of the benches. Logically, it wasn't likely that Yeosang and Juyeon would find her tucked away in a random corner on campus, but the risk was not one she wanted to take.

The hunt was slow, but that did not mean there were not wolves at her heels.

The thought stung and she hurriedly pulled out her phone and dialed Jisoo's number.

Her voice, thick with sleep, answered after a few rings. "Hey. What's up?"

"Hey. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

The phone went silent for a moment before hurried rustling sounded on Jisoo's end. "Shit. What time is it?"

Min glanced at her watch, an old tarnished trinket that her dad gave her a while ago. It was a miracle it still worked. "Uh, like two something."

"Fuck! Fuck!" Jisoo whispered swears in the background. Min imagined her rushing out of bed and into the bathroom, tossing her makeup bag on the counter.

It wouldn't be worth the rush anyway. Jisoo lived thirty minutes away from Strider Hall and her humanities course was already well underway.

"Skipping class again?" Min asked, tightening her grip on her bag.

She had just got out of Madame Dufort's clutches herself despite wanting to skip out. No matter how much she tried to focus, her mind and body were out of sync the entire session.

"Party at G.I. last night. I got carried away," Jisoo explained, voice a resigned hum. The sound of it nearly made Min trip over her own feet. It had barely been a week since a girl had fallen from the roof and already, the fraternity had returned to its status as NHU's party central. "Would've invited you but I know how you feel about parties. Especially know."

1.2 | The Night and Its Stars ⌜ yeosang ⌟Where stories live. Discover now