Tag Again

18 2 5

Thanks popcorn_is_cute for the tag :)

1) sexuality

2) gender

3) last song
No idea

4) happy?
Yeah? I guess?

5) Hair color
Dark brown

6) zodiac

7) last person u kissed
Idk it was so long ago, probably my mom or dad

8) fav color
Purple i guess

9) fav food
Too many delicious things out there!! I cant pick one!!!

10)battery %

11) celebrity crush
Dont have one

12) fav vegetable
Hmm i dont really like any of the vegetables but if i had to choose one i guess it would be broccoli

13) shoe size
Absolutely no idea

14) dream job
Patent lawyer :)

15) tag 20 people
Ugh that's too many people, so due to my laziness I'll just tag the same people from last time. Sorry again for tagging you 😅
1. riptide2406
2. Fandomluver276
3. MythicalNerdy
4. Vamprixussa
5. Vajra_Forever
6. _LoneStarWalker_
7. Ilovekeefe4ever
8. DemigodOfAnime
9. vacker_chase_granger
10. dreamybxtch

Ok! Done! :))

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