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Zhan p.o.v

I drove my car to the university .It is huge with the words written Gusu University .As i was late I ran fast to the registration line .I thought i was late but the line for registration was long .

I have two cousins who also got into this university. As i went to stand in the line i saw them .I greeted them with a hello. They also said hello and we stood in the line. 

I have two cousins jiang cheng and jiang yanli . Yanli is my sister and cheng is her brother.                Even though we are cousins they always saw me as their own and although I was in America we always talked to each other and have close relationship.      

As we are waiting for registration yanli asked me which club i was going to join. I told her that I was going to join in the music club as i am good a playing the flute. Yanli told that she would join the cooking club because she is good at cooking. Cheng and I screamed with joy and asked her to cook for us. She while smiling said yes .

Cheng said he would join in the swimming club .Yanli and I teased him for having a small body and joining in the swimming team.

As we were bickering, every one started streaming. When i turned my face to see what was happening I saw two persons walking towards the main building. Both of them were handsome and had similar features.

But what caught my attention was the person walking in the front, He was absolutely handsome and had a familiar body .I started thinking where i saw him but suddenly my heart quenched leaving me staring at him until yanli called me.

I left my daze and cheng asked me what i was staring at . I said it was nothing. Then Yanli started saying that the persons walking were wang yibo and  wang haikun . She said that they were brothers and known as the most good looking people in the university .

Yibo is captain of swimming team and haikun is the captain of music club but also vice captain of swimming club. Then cheng said that he might have seen yibo at swimming competition. Then i asked yanli how she knew so much about them as she also came today with them , then she blushed and said that her boyfriend studies in this university and this is not the first time she came here.

I was shocked and asked her who was then she showed me her boyfriend picture and said his name was Jin Zixuan . Then cheng and i teased her saying he look pretty like a peacock.

Then our turn came for registration and yanli said to register in our clubs and meet again at the student lounge . I said ok and went to register.

yibo p.o.v

I came early today to the university as today freshers were coming and I need to be present when they register for the clubs.

As i walked into the university and into the main building people started shouting and i did not respond to that because i got used to people around me and as i was walking into the building I saw yanli , zixuzans girlfriend and beside her there were two people . One of them was totally stunning with a angelic face and as I was looking at him my heart started beating fast and i got an unfamiliar feeling but he felt too familiar and unconsciously smiled .

My brother stood there too shocked by my smile and looked into the direction i was staring and smiled and shook me and asked what happened , I stopped smiling and said it was nothing coldly and went into the building.

Will they meet each other ?????

ignore my typos.

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