Hollywood fix

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Me and my boyfriend are going around shopping when Hollywood Fix walks up to us
Fletcher: hey guys how is my favorite couple
Tayler: we are doing great thanks for asking fletch
Fletcher: so the fans wanna know
Paige: what do the fans wanna know fletch
Fletcher: someone saw Tayler with charly Jordan how do you feel about that
Paige: um I don't really mind it they are best friends and they ended on good terms
Fletcher: speaking of friends are you and nessa still friends
Paige: um we've talked a few times but we aren't as close as we where but yes we are still friends
Fletcher: Tayler how do you feel about Austin keep trying to get with Paige
Tayler: he needs to be quiet because this my bae and I love her to pieces and I'm never gonna let anybody take her away from me
Fletcher: also tell me about your outfits
Paige: um I wearing Taylers sweatpants and his T-shirt and my Air Force ones
Tayler. And I'm just wearing a tank top jeans and my Jordan's
Fletch: y'all keep dropping hints about something that y'all did what is it
Paige: well fletch we have a few surprises for y'all I can tell you one and only 1 tho
Fletcher: what is it
Paige: we are getting a puppy it's a German Shepard full and we are naming her Dixie and then we are getting another dog and it's a blue tick mixed with a pit bull and we are naming her belle
Fletcher: where did you get the names from
Paige: so the German Shepherd we are naming her Dixie because my grandma and grandpas dog was named Dixie and they had to put her down when she was like 4 and belle I was 14 and my dog passed away right in front of me and we had a whole funeral and yeah
Fletcher: well I'm sorry for that
Tayler: babe we should get going now we have to get baby clothes for Keli and chase
Paige: ok bye fletch
Fletcher: bye Paige bye Tayler
He leaves and we go get baby clothes for me and Tayler because we are having a kid and we are engaged but people think it's a promise ring so yeah

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