Epi No.1 - Beautiful morning

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The sun is shining brightly.

It's Monday morning.

"Good morning mummy." Nikitha said while entering the kitchen.

"Nikie it's already 7.30am and you told me that you have a patient to check at 8.30am " Nikitha's mom asked her while checking the French toast.

"Oh my God.. I forgot mom,  I will get ready within 15 minutes please pack my breakfast"

Nikitha went to her room and showered quickly.

Time skips..

As soon as Nikitha entered the hospital her junior came running towards her.

Nikitha is a surgeon in a multispeciality hospital.

"What happened?" Nikitha asked her in a concerned tone.

"Doctor, Dean is on rounds. If he comes to know that you're not in the cabin then we have to face the consequences " Ramya said without taking a breath.

"Hahah hahah Ramya don't worry , now ask Mr. Sundar to meet me and take the prescription print out from this pendrive". Nikitha laughed and gave the instruction.

"Yes doctor " Ramya said and left.

After attending 4-5 patients Nikitha moved to the canteen to have her breakfast. 

She opened her tiffin box and saw salad.

She frowned after seeing the salad.

For the past one month her mother was very conscious about diet and health. Sometimes Nikitha felt not to get married. 

Yes , marriage. Nikitha is going to get married soon.

Nikitha's mom is very strict about the diet so that Nikitha won't gain excess weight until the marriage. Even though Nikitha is enchanting. Nikitha's mom wanted Nikitha to maintain the weight.

After having the boring breakfast. 

Nikitha took her phone and checked the messages and sent a good morning message to her friends .

Then she searched for a particular name and checked for the messages in that chat . As expected no message from that particular contact .

With a sad face she kept her phone in the purse and continued her work.

After 07.00pm she thought of returning home so she stood from her chair and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Nikitha said with a slight sigh.

"Hey Nikitha ,how was the weekend ?" Harish asked excitedly.

Grinding her teeth and putting a fake smile on her face she replied " It's fine sir".

"Oh Nikitha I have told you many times to  call me "Harish" , I may be the dean of this hospital for others but you're my friend and I expect you to call me by my name". He said with a smirk on his face.

Controlling the anger she said "Yes, I am leaving now so bye " .

Saying politely she moved from her cabin.



Before Nikitha could come into the hospital. 

Harish in his cabin..

"I'm going for rounds " Harish said in an urgent manner and stood from his chair.

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